Forum Discussion

Stev0's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Mac EV can't open shortcuts created by PC EV

I'm piloting the use of Mac's in my company's enterprise, and have come across a roadblock in EV integration. 

Our email backbone is Exchange 2003, and we use EV v9 to archive old emails.  I've installed the EV v9 plugin on several Macs (OS 10.6.7) running Entourage 2008 (latest version), but I'm completely unable to use the plugin to restore an email which was archvied by my PC (running Outlook 2007, EV plugin v9).  I select an email which I know to exist in the vault, click restore in the EV toolbar, and I get an error message stating "Unable to restore because you have not selected any archived items" 

Any ideas?

I've confirmed that the EV plugin is connecting, as I can send an email to the EV archvie on my Mac, and confirm it's archvied on my PC.  Searching the archive via the EV toolbar, and then restoring an email from the archive via the web interface both work on the Mac, but this is a cumbersome workaround.  I tried rebuildign my entire Entourage cache in the hopes that would fix my issue, but no dice.

The EV plugin is either not recognizing the 'stubs' in my Entourage Inbox as EV shortcuts, or it can't seem to use them .. adny advice woudl be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi

    By default shortcuts will not synchronize to your Entourage client.  If a mail has been delivered to Entourage and is subsequently archived it will not appear as a shortcut in Entourage (but will in Outlook and OWA).  If you clear the folder cache and allow Entourage to re-synch the shortcut will be downloaded.

    Based on Entourage user feedback this was the default choice as they want to work with the original mail where ever possible.  However, there is a policy setting on the Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings that will cause Entourage to receive shortcuts on synchronization.  The policy setting is:

    Exchange Mailbox Policy -> Advanced -> Archiving General
    Shortcut sync for mail clients [Off/On]

    This only works going forward (existing shortcuts are not downloaded unless you clear the folder cache). 

    Set this to on, restart the archiving test and repeat your tests - hopefully you should find the shortcut is synchronized to Entourage automatically.

    One thing to note is that this does need the EV client on Entourage to be configured correctly - I assume the sign-in worked OK?  If so this registers the users mailbox to receive shortcuts on simple mail clients (for example Entourage).

    Hope this helps.


3 Replies

  • Hi

    By default shortcuts will not synchronize to your Entourage client.  If a mail has been delivered to Entourage and is subsequently archived it will not appear as a shortcut in Entourage (but will in Outlook and OWA).  If you clear the folder cache and allow Entourage to re-synch the shortcut will be downloaded.

    Based on Entourage user feedback this was the default choice as they want to work with the original mail where ever possible.  However, there is a policy setting on the Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings that will cause Entourage to receive shortcuts on synchronization.  The policy setting is:

    Exchange Mailbox Policy -> Advanced -> Archiving General
    Shortcut sync for mail clients [Off/On]

    This only works going forward (existing shortcuts are not downloaded unless you clear the folder cache). 

    Set this to on, restart the archiving test and repeat your tests - hopefully you should find the shortcut is synchronized to Entourage automatically.

    One thing to note is that this does need the EV client on Entourage to be configured correctly - I assume the sign-in worked OK?  If so this registers the users mailbox to receive shortcuts on simple mail clients (for example Entourage).

    Hope this helps.


  • Only EV entry I can find in the Console is:

    5/16/11 2:08:49 PM Enterprise Vault Helper[830] startMonitoring

    ... no entry seems to be created when I store somethign in EV (which does work) or attempt to restore something from EV.  

    When I stores something into EV on my Mac from Entoruage, the email looks no different in Entourage .. hwoever it does turn into an EV shortcut on my PC.  When I attempt to restore this same entry on my Mac, it fails and gives teh same eror message as reported above.

    IF I do teh restoe n the same message from a PC, it works fine and indeed old messges restored on the PC do indeed appear in my Mac Entourage In Box.  These don't replace the email 'stub' that's already there, rather they appear as a copy (with attachments attached) next to the stub.

    ... so Mac EV doesn't appear to ceate EV shortcuts when it stores an item, nor can it recognize a 'stub' as an EV shortcut at all. 

    Thanks for the suggestions, please keep em coming!


  • if you open your Console, you should have the EV debug stuff logged there, what does it show?

    What happens if you try and archive an item in Entourage? does that work?
    If it does archive, can you restore that item from entourage also?

    And if you go in to a regular outlook or Outlook Web Access, does the same item you're trying to restore also show as a shortcutted item? the error message should only be displayed if you've selected something other than a shortcut to restore

    In other words, if you select a regular IPM.Note message and hit restore, regardless of whether it exists in the vault or not, if its a regular email in a mailbox, it won't restore, because its already a regular email and not a shortcut.

    If you restore something from AE you are effectively copying from the archive back in to the mailbox, it will go back in to the mailbox as a regular email, if you then go to outlook, you will see it has a regular envelope icon and if you hit restore it will fail because an archived item has not been selected etc