Forum Discussion

rasobey's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

MAPI - how to nuke it from orbit?


I'm utterly convinced that 99% of the problems I've got with my EV servers (see other threads I've started re: mailboxes not enabling and others) are down to MAPI.

Exchange 2007 SP1 RU9
EV 8.0.3 on Windows Server 2008 x64 x 2
SQL 2005 x 1 (not overly familiar with the SQL stuff)
Outlook 2003 SP3 and hotfix as required by the compatibility chart.

We started off with Outlook 2007 and CDO 1.2.1 which was just horrendous. Tasks would randomly fail and having a server stay up for more than a few hours was considered good :) I downgraded to Outlook 2003 which gave a much better experience. My archiving tasks started to run continuously but as we started enabling mailboxes the servers would only do around 30 per night before giving up.

My latest test was to simply enable 200 test mailboxes (all on the same server / storage group) and let EV at them. However, I'm lucky to see 40 mailboxes enabled before, for the remaining mailboxes, I get lots of event log errors about MAPI sessions (could not get one) and errors relating to synchronizing said mailboxes. I can get all the error posted here if anyone's interested.

What I'm most interested in is this: how do I completely remove Outlook, MAPI and everything to do with it from a server so I can start from scratch?

Cheers for any help (and apologies if I don't respond until tomorrow, it's getting late here)


  • We were receiving MAPI errors when synchronization of archive tasks occurred and when archiving took place.  Issues/errors below. The archive task synchronization also gave an error when accessing archived item via OWA.  We have EV v8.0 SP2, Outlook 2007 on EV server, Exchange 2007 SP2.

    Event Type:        Error
    Event Source:    Enterprise Vault
    Event Category:                Archive Task
    Event ID:              3310
    Date:                     2/21/2010
    Time:                     7:00:07 PM
    User:                     N/A
    Computer:          xxxxx
    There was a problem accessing a network service or resource.  The dispenser will re-queue the current item and sleep for 10 minute(s).
    Task: Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for xxxxx
    Event Type:        Error
    Event Source:    Enterprise Vault
    Event Category:                Archive Task
    Event ID:              2262
    Date:                     2/21/2010
    Time:                     7:00:29 PM
    User:                     N/A
    Computer:          xxxxx
    Error processing archiving request for system xxxxx
    Event Type:        Error
    Event Source:    Enterprise Vault
    Event Category:                Retrieval Task
    Event ID:              3310
    Date:                     2/22/2010
    Time:                     1:46:57 PM
    User:                     N/A
    Computer:          xxxxx
    There was a problem accessing a network service or resource.  The dispenser will re-queue the current item and sleep for 5 minute(s).
    Task: Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for xxxxx (Retrieval)
    Event Type:        Error
    Event Source:    Enterprise Vault
    Event Category:                Archive Task
    Event ID:              3139
    Date:                     2/20/2010
    Time:                     8:04:38 PM
    User:                     N/A
    Computer:          xxxxx
    An non-specific error has occurred whilst enabling archiving for the mailbox /o=company/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=user
    Error: ClassFactory cannot supply requested class  [0x80040111]
    OWA error when accessing archived item while archive task synchronization occurs:
    "The archived item is currently unavailable. ..." 
    Few users had many pending shortcuts that would temporary change to shortcuts for a second and back to pending shortcuts again. The pending items were archived and in the vault.

    Already had "Closest GC" registry value, but errors persisted.  Tried "DS Server", but errors persisted.  Tried reducing the number of concurrent connections for the archive tasks, but the errors persisted.  Finally, uninstalled Office 2007 SP2 and installed Office 2003 SP3 + hotfix KB948074 (reboot required).  This fixed these errors/issues!!!!  :)

    Thanks to JesusWept2 and Mike B for their help!!!
    Posting just in case others are having the same type of errors/issues.

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