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AWMorris's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Migrating placeholders from NTFS to Celerra

Greetings All,


I need to migrate placeholders from a Windows file server to a Celerra file server.  Both file servers will need to remain in production during the entire migration.  The following syntax will be used with FSAUtility to migrate the placeholders.


FSAUtility -pm -s \\Share\FSA -d \\Celerra\FSA


After the placeholder migration, I would like to decomission the Windows box and rename the Celerra to the NETBIOS name of the Windows box.  Has anyone tried this before?  Will simply changing the DnsName and UncName within the FileServerEntry table achieve the desired results?

  • So I was able to perform the following with 2 Windows file servers, we will name them OLD and NEW. 


    1.  Added NEW as an FSA Target.  OLD was already added as I have been archiving from it.

    2.  Ran FSAUtility with following parameters


    FSAUtility -pm -s \\OLD\FSA -d \\NEW\FSA


    3.  Confirmed that recall and archiving of placeholders works on NEW

    4.  Disconnected OLD from the network and deleted the AD computer object.

    5.  Renamed NEW to OLD.

    6.  Voila!  Recalls and archiving working as hoped.


    Let's hope that this goes as smoothly as above, with the addition of changing the FileServerType, with a Celerra appliance.


    Thanks for the help and comments folks!

8 Replies

  • Have you seen this?

    How to migrate a FSA target to a different device type (I.E. NTFS to NETAPP) keeping the same name

    Article: TECH88209  |  Created: 2009-01-17  |  Updated: 2010-01-29  |  Article URL

    Option 2 would probably work for you:

  • Its a pretty poorly written article to be honest, but i think the gist of it is IF you have disks that you can move, move them, otherwise, stop the placeholder service, physically move the placeholders from one location to another, change the filesystem types and urls in the database, then rebuild the shortcuts.

    The thing is, you're going to have to make sure the archive points exist there, either by copying them by one means or another or recreating them through FSAUtility,

    The only thing i don't think you need to do is to run the fsautility to rebuild the shortcuts, as the EV Servers aren't changing, the archive ID's arent changing so the URLS in the hidden streams would be no different, but i could be entirely wrong,

    It's really something i would suggest just testing, if you have a windows server thats not doing much, create it as an FSA target, create the archive points, archive some stuff then try pushing it to the celerra instead, make sure that items can be opened and recalled and new items archived....afterwards blow it away and you can begin your regular migration

  • Thanks guys.  I agree, the document could we worded a bit better.  In response to:


    The thing is, you're going to have to make sure the archive points exist there, either by copying them by one means or another or recreating them through FSAUtility,


    Using FSAUtility with the -pm switch will move the placeholder files as well as the archive points.  Unfortunately, I will not have access to the Celerra for another 2 weeks.  I am testing it with Windows now to see what happens when I use the -pm switch, decomission old server and change NETBIOS of new to match that of old.

  • So I was able to perform the following with 2 Windows file servers, we will name them OLD and NEW. 


    1.  Added NEW as an FSA Target.  OLD was already added as I have been archiving from it.

    2.  Ran FSAUtility with following parameters


    FSAUtility -pm -s \\OLD\FSA -d \\NEW\FSA


    3.  Confirmed that recall and archiving of placeholders works on NEW

    4.  Disconnected OLD from the network and deleted the AD computer object.

    5.  Renamed NEW to OLD.

    6.  Voila!  Recalls and archiving working as hoped.


    Let's hope that this goes as smoothly as above, with the addition of changing the FileServerType, with a Celerra appliance.


    Thanks for the help and comments folks!

  • The placeholder migration is currently underway and will let you know the outcome.