Forum Discussion

woelki's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Missed database upgrade from EV9 to EV11

Hey guys,

first of all... I have done something really stupid. But you can guess that from the subject.

We have an old EV9 instance with only one server. The Exchange mailboxes already have been migrated, due to cost reasons the archive have not been migrated. The server is in so to say "read only mode", no more archiving tasks and its only responsibility is the retrieval of already existing archived items.

Now the situation changed and we could start with the onboard move archive process to migrate. The success rate was ok, but not good. So I decided to upgrade the major version. I upgraded to EV10 and everything seemed to be ok. So I went on and installed EV11, no issues in the setup process.

Then I wanted to update the databases with the EVDatabaseUpgrader and it failes with the disturbing message.

Failed to upgrade from schema version []. Minimum supported product version is [10].

So my EV server installation is now on version 11 and the database on 9.

Is there a smooth way to fix this?

Any help would be highly apreciated.

Kind regards,





  • Do you have backup from databases from before running the EVdatabaseupgrader for EV11?

    If so:

    Uninstall EV11

    Restore databases

    Install EV10, run EVdatabaseupgrader

    Verify upgrader executes succesfully.

    Upgrade to EV11


    If you do not have a backup,

    Uninstall EV11

    Install EV10, run EVdatabaseupgrader (keep fingers crossed :-) )

    Verify upgrader executes succesfully.

    Upgrade to EV11

    Good luck

5 Replies

  • Do you have backup from databases from before running the EVdatabaseupgrader for EV11?

    If so:

    Uninstall EV11

    Restore databases

    Install EV10, run EVdatabaseupgrader

    Verify upgrader executes succesfully.

    Upgrade to EV11


    If you do not have a backup,

    Uninstall EV11

    Install EV10, run EVdatabaseupgrader (keep fingers crossed :-) )

    Verify upgrader executes succesfully.

    Upgrade to EV11

    Good luck

  • Hi GertjanA, thanks for the advice, I will try tomorrow. I have a backup from before upgrading to EV10. But what I now wonder about, I thought there is no dedicated EVDatabaseUpgrader for EV10? Regards, woelki
  • Hi Woelki,

    You're correct. When going from 9 to 10, start Directory service first (on 1 server), then when event stating upgrade succeeded is seen, start storage service.

    11 has upgraded...



  • Hi again,

    now I know why the database upgrade from EV9 to EV10 failed. We have a collation mismatch.
    Unfortunately our DB admin is not available until Monday.

    I will keep you updated.



  • Hi there,

    I have good news, my Vault server is back active again following the steps GertjanA recommended. I uninstalled EV11 and installed EV10.

    I selected new site, have chosen the former SQL server and the wizard recognizes that there already is a Directory database. Upgrading to EV10 I had the impression as my SQL admin changed the collation of the EV databases that the EV DB update progress took a bit longer than usual. But finally it worked.

    Thanks for your support.

    Kind regards,
