Forum Discussion

evinfo's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Orphaned Shortcut Report

All - we have email archiving deployed with a custom folder called "Business" which should retain all items "Forever". Unfortunately some of the custom scripting did not update the "Business" folder with "Forever" retention. Therefore, when Expiry process was enabled, it deleted items in the "Business" folder which should have been kept "forever" and now are orphaned shortcuts.

Now users are having issues with the orphaned shortcuts as expected. So the question - IS there a way to identify these "orphaned" shorcuts by User/Folder/item? This could give us an idea of what to restore from our backup or if anyone else has any suggestion, I would appreciate it.

thank you all.

  • You will need to submit an Idea on this forum to get the functionality, or run a dtrace and parse it out but you don't want to do that, or write a util that reads the SavesetID of each message, in each folder of each mailbox that reconciles it to the database and then keeps count and outputs it at the end.

    But unfortunately i don't think there is any tool, native or 3rd party that will do what you want it to do.

5 Replies

  • I'm pretty sure you can just run the task now in report mode and that will tell you how many shortcuts are to be deleted, but it won't separate it out by folder, just users overall
  • Here's a Technote explaining what's in the report -

  • Guys - thanks for the info. I sort of know this information but I had a more specific issue which I'm not sure its possible. Basically is there a way to identify "PER FOLDER" how many items have "Orphaned Shortcuts" without running some Dtrace? I have a Custom EVPM folder which should have a retention category of "Forever" but due to multiple issues some users retention was set to our regular policy of '3 years'.

    Thus if I can get a reports which states something like


    User1 -

        Forever Folder - 20 Orphaned shortcuts (I would need to address these)

         Inbox - 30 Orphaned shortcuts

    User2 -

         Forever Folder - 0 Orphaned Shorcuts (working as expected)

         Inbox - 45 Orphaned Shortcuts



  • You will need to submit an Idea on this forum to get the functionality, or run a dtrace and parse it out but you don't want to do that, or write a util that reads the SavesetID of each message, in each folder of each mailbox that reconciles it to the database and then keeps count and outputs it at the end.

    But unfortunately i don't think there is any tool, native or 3rd party that will do what you want it to do.

  • I agree with JW2 here. I personally wouldn't expect this to gain too much traction as a request, as it's the first time I've heard of it and I wouldn't be too sure as to how many customers would benefit or need it.


    I think an app would be the way to go, it's almost like an EVSVR check, but against a mailbox rather than storage.