Forum Discussion

jpergola329's avatar
10 years ago

Orphaned Shortcuts Not Deleting?

ev 8 sp5

we ran our manual expiry process and it ran fine, finished no errors.

now when we run the shortcut processing with the option in the mailbox policy to "delete orphaned shortcuts" it doesnt delete them.

found a bunch of articles out there saying what to do and none of them worked.

any ideas?



  • Did you see this?  Could it be you have 1000's of shortcuts that need deleted and it will take more than one pass?


    Also, you need to upgrade ASAP.  :)

    Shortcut Deletion is not deleting orphaned shortcuts

    Article:TECH68087  |  Created: 2009-01-20  |  Updated: 2013-03-28  |  Article URL



    Shortcut Deletion is not deleting orphaned shortcuts



    If properly configured, Enterprise Vault has had the ability to delete orphaned shortcuts in user mailboxes since version 6.x and up. Orphaned shortcuts are shortcuts to items that are no longer in the associated archive.

    There are two different types of checks performed, to determine if a shortcut is an orphan.
    A "Fat Check" is more thorough, but more intensive. A "Thin Check" runs faster, but can leave some orphaned shortcuts in the mailbox.
    The default check type, is a "Thin Check"




    A "Fat Check" will occur on its own, approximately once a week. If desired, a "Fat Check" can be forced, so that orphaned shortcuts are removed sooner. To do so, add the following registry key to the EV server that processes the mailbox in question.
    Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application.
    Open the registry on the Enterprise Vault server and set the following key
    Registry path for 32 bit systems:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
    Registry path for 64 bit systems:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
    Name: OrphanedShortcutCheckType
    DWORD - value = 1
    0 (default)

    The next time the archive task runs, with shortcut processing, a "Fat Check" should be run against the mailbox. If there are a larger number of orphaned shortcuts, it is possible that one pass will not be enough to remove them all. This is due to the fact that the default number of orphaned shortcuts to be processed is 1000.


    If you have already tried that, maybe you could list the TN's you have tried, otherwise you will probably get more of the same.

    Outside that I think a call to support is in order.

2 Replies

  • Did you see this?  Could it be you have 1000's of shortcuts that need deleted and it will take more than one pass?


    Also, you need to upgrade ASAP.  :)

    Shortcut Deletion is not deleting orphaned shortcuts

    Article:TECH68087  |  Created: 2009-01-20  |  Updated: 2013-03-28  |  Article URL



    Shortcut Deletion is not deleting orphaned shortcuts



    If properly configured, Enterprise Vault has had the ability to delete orphaned shortcuts in user mailboxes since version 6.x and up. Orphaned shortcuts are shortcuts to items that are no longer in the associated archive.

    There are two different types of checks performed, to determine if a shortcut is an orphan.
    A "Fat Check" is more thorough, but more intensive. A "Thin Check" runs faster, but can leave some orphaned shortcuts in the mailbox.
    The default check type, is a "Thin Check"




    A "Fat Check" will occur on its own, approximately once a week. If desired, a "Fat Check" can be forced, so that orphaned shortcuts are removed sooner. To do so, add the following registry key to the EV server that processes the mailbox in question.
    Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application.
    Open the registry on the Enterprise Vault server and set the following key
    Registry path for 32 bit systems:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
    Registry path for 64 bit systems:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents\
    Name: OrphanedShortcutCheckType
    DWORD - value = 1
    0 (default)

    The next time the archive task runs, with shortcut processing, a "Fat Check" should be run against the mailbox. If there are a larger number of orphaned shortcuts, it is possible that one pass will not be enough to remove them all. This is due to the fact that the default number of orphaned shortcuts to be processed is 1000.


    If you have already tried that, maybe you could list the TN's you have tried, otherwise you will probably get more of the same.

    Outside that I think a call to support is in order.

  • ahhh. tony the ole "u" word.... LOL!! 

    i know we desperately need to upgrade, just have not come to a descsion yet as to what were going to do.

    i tried what you posted and no good, and followed all the articles i found online, no good, i have a ticket open with symantec, well see what they come up with.
