Forum Discussion

Barak2's avatar
Level 2
6 years ago

OUTLOOK16 Can't open archived/stored emails

Hello all
I Have a  terminal server 16 + outlook 16 + EV client 12.3

None of the users cannot open archived mails.

The message is: This item has been archived by Enterprise Vault. Click here to view the original item (this link doesn't work).

To view an email, the users must "restore" to the mailbox and then open it.

Any suggestions ?

Thank you.

  • Update:

    I found a solution, add this value in registry:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Client
    DisplayItemsUsingOOM registry key to 0

  • Is it being tested as a non-primary mailbox in the profile and the settings for Outlook haven't been modified to allow scripts to execute in non-primary mailboxes? I think your problem is something like that and there's probably a knowledge base article on it that I can't find from my phone right now. It definitely sounds like a script execution issue to me
  • Update:

    I found a solution, add this value in registry:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Client
    DisplayItemsUsingOOM registry key to 0