process could not be started due to the following error: Unable to access proccess Manager
After windows update 12.04 our Enteprise Vault have been struggeling starting the indexing service.
When it tries to start i see diffrent errors in eventlog and dtrace.
the most common error is:
The EVExchangeWebServicesProxy process could not be started due to the following error:
Unable to access Process Manager
The EVTaskGuardian process could not be started due to the following error:
Unable to access Process Manager
The EVStgOfflineOpns process could not be started due to the following error:
Unable to access Process Manager
The EVStorageQueueBroker process could not be started due to the following error:
Unable to access Process Manager
Tried uninstalling the Windows updates for Windows os, had no effect.
Saw it was alot of Office updates aswell but i havent removed them yet.
Is there anyone who have the same problem or can help me out?