Forum Discussion

Robert_Ton's avatar
Level 5
19 years ago

Quota based archiving question.

We are using quota based archiving, and our policy archives a mailbox until it has 10% of its storage limit free. It appears that EV acts on any mailbox which is within 10% of the quota. (i.e: Our quotas are 200,000 KB, and when the mailbox reaches 180,000 or more, EV acts on it)

So in essence, these mailboxes never reach quota since EV brings them down to 10% of the quota or lower everytime they are within 10% of the quota.

(I hope that makes sense)

Anyway, is that the way EV is designed to work? We are using EV 6.0 SP1.

  • In EV 6 you can configure the number of messages per pass on the properties of the Archive Task and now the default is 1000. ;)

4 Replies

  • Correct.

    Can I recommend that you look at the best practices section in the Administration Guide. It recommends that you periodically run a date-based archive so that all users have an even spread of items in their archives (rather than just the ones who are hitting their limits all the time.)
  • Thanks. Unfortunately, our policy is strictly quota based, and we cannot archive anything based on date.
  • One thing to keep in mind with doing quota based archiving is the Mailbox task will only do one pass through your mailboxes. So you have to set your MaxNoofMsgsPerPass reg key large enough to ensure you are able to archive what you need on your mailboxes.

    \Enterprise Vault

    Minimum: 200 (default)

    Maximum: 10000

    Controls the maximum number of items that an Archiving Service will process per mailbox during a run. You may want to set this to a higher value if you use quota-based archiving, because then the Archiving Service stops after a single pass through all mailboxes.

    However, note that it might be more efficient to modify the archiving rules to remove large items first, rather than reduce quota usage by increasing the number of items archived.

    If you change this value you must restart each Archiving Service in order to use the new value.
  • In EV 6 you can configure the number of messages per pass on the properties of the Archive Task and now the default is 1000. ;)