Forum Discussion

16 Replies

  • Sorry, don't have any other suggestion then at the moment (other than to contact Account Management and/or Support).  I was quoting from the help (in the Policy Settings) and did, but now don't, have SharePoint available to verify myself.

  • Dear Rob,

    please check attached screen shot of help topics in EV 10.

  • Okay so what this is saying is that if an item exists in a folder, and the item has SPECIFIC permissions.  The copy IN THE ARCHIVE, will get the folder level permissions (since in EV permissions are ONLY at the folder level).  The shortcut will have the explicit permissions, meaning that will only work for the people who have access..  However if the end-user has access to the folder, and they do a search, or use Archive Explorer they will be able to access the archived item, even though it had explicit permissions preventing that.


    Does that help?

  • i got your explanation of the explict file permission,however can you just explain the answers of my queries which i have asked eariler.



  • Sorry, I don't know the answers to those questions, I'd suggest either :-


    a/ A new forum post.

    b/ Contacting AM/PM  (Account Manager, Product Manager)