Forum Discussion

Jakob's avatar
Level 5
6 years ago

Storage Expiry leads to unwanted shortcut deletion

Hi @all, I have some trouble with a EV installation and I need your thoughts here: It´s a brand new installation with 12.3 and is planned for Mailbox and Journal Archiving. All items which were ar...
  • ChrisLangevin's avatar
    6 years ago

    I know it doesn't seem relevant that the article is about expiry in Report Mode while you are not running that, but they both stem from the same issue. Here's why.

    There are two components involved in expiry for this issue. There is the Storage subsystem, which handles expiry of the actual archived items, and there is the Archiving Task, which is the part of EV that talks to Exchange, and it handles the expiry of the shortcuts. From an architectural standpoint, these are very separate parts of EV, even though in this case both are collaborating to perform "expiry."

    When Storage performs expiry on the archived items, it has a series of conditions it checks to determine whether an item is eligible to be expired. This obviously starts with the age of the item, but then it also considers things like the Retention Category's "Prevent automatic deletion..." setting, the archive's "Delete expired items..." setting, whether expiry is set to Report Mode on the Site, whether the items are on legal hold from a discovery product, whether another pass through the classification engine is required, and probably some more that I am forgetting.

    When the Archive Task performs expiry on the shortcuts, it checks the age of the shortcut but it doesn't include a check on every one of those other conditions that Storage checks. In the article you cited, this manifests as deletion of shortcuts even though Storage Expiry is in Report Mode; in your case, it manifests as deletion of shortcuts despite the "Prevent automatic deletion..." setting on the Retention Category. But both stem from the basic underlying fact that Storage considers many more factors when deciding whether an item is eligible for expiry than the Archiving Task considers when deciding whether an item's shortcut is eligible for expiry.

    While it certainly seems undesirable that the two components would make different eligibility decisions about objects that represent the same item, it is also true that there are performance and design drawbacks to attempting to duplicate all of the Storage logic in the Archive Task's handling of shortcuts. So that's the tradeoff we're dealing with in saying this is "expected behavior."

    I hope that explanation answers more questions than it raises. :smileyhappy:
