Forum Discussion

mbietz711's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

Storage File Watch EventID 6511- Centera.

System : Evault 9.0.1, FSA, Centera


i have several 6511 Errors in the Eventlog on the EnterpriseVault-Server.

These Errors occur if i leave the backup mode.


Error deleting WatchFile database record for missing Saveset file

[Partition: DOITGmbH Ptn9]

[Vault ID:]

[Saveset Filename: 8N4V82L1RD3O2e791CULSOPVI0NG415RR055Q70ADJBKDIQU5BJ43]

[Transaction ID: 21211C43BB78F96BAE690B2FA6049621]


The Vault Store Partition Device is a Centera.

The Centera had several outages which could lead to the situation that the data was not correctly sent to the centera.

How can i get rid of the errors in the log?

I know that the Savesets does not exist on the Centera.

I have looked in the watchfile.table and see those savesets and that they are marked as not beeing backed up.

Can i savely delete those rows in the watchfile.table to get rid of the errors?


many thanks

