Forum Discussion

Tonaco_pt's avatar
4 years ago

Synchronize index volume Item With Errors

Hi all,

Just Synchronize index volume and finish with Items withh error:



Synchronize index volume started at 14/07/2021 12:32:19

Archive Name: -------
Archive Id: 18A0DCFDB246E304D9E7DB1892182BFC61110000EXCHEVARQ01
Index Volume Identity: 32579
Index Volume Range: 1-78895
Root Path Id: 11ADC31C2930A3041AD30482D7DA354821810000EXCHEVARQ01
Folder: 18A0DCFDB246E304D9E7DB1892182BFC6_32579
Root Path: M:\IndexLocation\index5
Index Server: EVIDX1.ritta.local
Volume Type: 64-bit

14/07/2021 12:32:19 Checking index volume for failed state.
14/07/2021 12:32:19 The index volume is not marked as failed.

14/07/2021 12:32:19 Performing initial verification for the index volume.
14/07/2021 12:32:19 Completed initial verification for the index volume.

14/07/2021 12:32:19 Retrying failed items.

14/07/2021 12:32:29 The following items failed to be repaired:

SeqNo SSID URL Error Code Raw Error
78825 https://evserver/EnterpriseVault/download.asp?VaultID=18A0DCFDB246E304D9E7DB1892182BFC61110000EXCHEVARQ01&SavesetID=&Request=NativeItem 107 Item is still on storage queue Sequence Number '78825' Item Identifier ''

14/07/2021 12:32:29 Retry of failed items has completed.

14/07/2021 12:32:29 Retrying failed deletions.
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Retry of failed deletions has completed.

14/07/2021 12:32:29 Performing final verification for the index volume.
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Queueing a full synchronization of the index volume.
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Full synchronization has been queued.

14/07/2021 12:32:29 Synchronize summary:
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Total items repaired: 0
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Total items failed repair: 1
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Total items deleted: 0
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Total items failed delete: 0
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Total items processed: 1
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Total failed items remaining after synchronization: 1
14/07/2021 12:32:29 Total failed deletions remaining after synchronization: 0

14/07/2021 12:32:29 The synchronize has completed successfully and reported some issues.

For more information, see the online index troubleshooting technical note at:

The error led me to this post,


Run the script 

ArchiveName ErrorNumber
Archive Name107


I can not find what is error '107' and how to fix it.

Can anyone help?

Enterprise Vault 11.1 CHF 5

  • Hi there,

    the log is telling you exactly what is going on with "Item is still on storage queue".

    This item did not get past the storage queue so far, that is why EV is not able to index it. Restarting the storage service on the relevant ev server should force EV into reprocessing this item and in case this is going wrong, writing something into the event log for further troubleshooting.




2 Replies

  • Hi there,

    the log is telling you exactly what is going on with "Item is still on storage queue".

    This item did not get past the storage queue so far, that is why EV is not able to index it. Restarting the storage service on the relevant ev server should force EV into reprocessing this item and in case this is going wrong, writing something into the event log for further troubleshooting.




    • Tonaco_pt's avatar

      Hi Marc

      After restarting the storage service the archive index volume became synchronize

      Thank you

      António Mourão