Forum Discussion

CadenL's avatar
Level 6
5 years ago

Using EV OWA with Office Mail App for Exchange 2016 and EV12.4


Hopefully a simple 'yes' or 'no' question..... unless the answer is 'no' then I need to do some troubleshooting......

When using Office Mail App externally via OWA is it expected for the user to need to additional supply login credentials when they click on the 'Enterprise Vault' applet to open the EV options. The user only needs to do this on the first instance and then it doesn't ask again until they log out and back in again. I just want to make sure this is expected and there isn't a way to prevent this.


  • Hi,

    this is what I've seen in the past so I believe "yes" is correct here. Depending on the configuration there might be instances where no additional authentication is needed but all in all the client needs to authenticate against EV and as we cannot utilize a user on the client we are prompting for credentials.




3 Replies

  • Hi,

    this is what I've seen in the past so I believe "yes" is correct here. Depending on the configuration there might be instances where no additional authentication is needed but all in all the client needs to authenticate against EV and as we cannot utilize a user on the client we are prompting for credentials.




    • CadenL's avatar
      Level 6

      Thanks Marc

      Ideally I'd like to find a way that the credentials can be passed through from when the user authenticates with OWA - you mention that "Depending on the configuration there might be instances where no additional authentication is needed"

      If that's at all possible I'd like to know what that would be or if that's not the case then I can be happy that there's nothing I can do.

      Perhaps anyone who has successfully done this without authentication may be able to comment?

      kind regards

      • Marcde's avatar

        I thought I read about something in the past but I am unable to find anything useful so I might have mixed it with the configuration for Exchange 2010 and older.

