Forum Discussion

2D's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

VBA: Extracting mail attachements from archived mails

Like many others, i had a problem extracting attachement from archived mail items.

The name of the attachement is "@"  instead of the actual file name.

It was suggested in a particular mail to use the API, but you need EVAdmin to do so. (CreateObject("EnterpriseVault.ContentManagementAPI") failed)

Another suggestion was to read the HTMLbody of the mail and search for the filename.


After a little research, i found that, if you "Display" the mailitem, it will be accessible as any other mailitem, including the attachements.

Here's the code:

  • Private Function GetSelectedMailAttach() As String
  •     Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
  •     Dim olExp As Outlook.Explorer
  •     Dim olSel As Outlook.Selection
  •     Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem
  •     Dim olAtt As Outlook.Attachment
  •     Dim olInsp As Outlook.Inspector
  •     Dim olSelItem As Outlook.MailItem
  •     Dim olOpnItem As Outlook.MailItem
  •     Dim i As Long
  •     Dim strRet As String
  •     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
  •     Set olApp = GetObject("", "Outlook.Application")
  •     Set olExp = olApp.ActiveExplorer
  •     Set olSel = olExp.Selection
  •     If olSel.Count = 0 Then
  •         MsgBox "No mailitems selected!", vbExclamation
  •         GoTo Finalize
  •     End If
  •     For i = 1 To olSel.Count
  •         Set olInsp = Nothing
  •         Set olSelItem = olSel.item(i)
  •         olSelItem.Display
  •         Do While olInsp Is Nothing
  •             Set olInsp = olApp.ActiveInspector
  •         Loop
  •         Set olOpnItem = olInsp.CurrentItem
  •         For Each olAtt In olOpnItem.Attachments
  •             If olAtt.Type <> olOLE Then
  •                 olAtt.SaveAsFile Environ("TEMP") & "\" & olAtt.DisplayName
  •                 If strRet = "" Then
  •                     strRet = Environ("TEMP") & "\" & olAtt.FileName
  •                 Else
  •                     strRet = strRet & vbCrLf & Environ("TEMP") & "\" & olAtt.FileName
  •                 End If
  •             End If
  •         Next
  •         olOpnItem.Close olDiscard
  •     Next
  •     If strRet = "" Then
  •         MsgBox "No attachements found in selected mails!", vbExclamation
  •     End If
  •     GetSelectedMailAttach = strRet
  •     GoTo Finalize
  • ErrorHandler:
  •     MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
  • Finalize:
  •     Set olAtt = Nothing
  •     Set olItem = Nothing
  •     Set olSel = Nothing
  •     Set olExp = Nothing
  •     Set olApp = Nothing
  •     Set olInsp = Nothing
  •     Set olSelItem = Nothing
  •     Set olOpnItem = Nothing
  • End Function


  • Fwiw it's just an FYI post for other people's benefit There was a similar question not so long ago from a user who wanted to find attachment names but it was EV shortcuts messing it up Good job on the script!

5 Replies

  • Well are you saying the actual name of attachment is "@" or you see that in shortcut/archived item. If you see this behaviour in OWA, then its due to the OWA extensions issue.

  • Fwiw it's just an FYI post for other people's benefit There was a similar question not so long ago from a user who wanted to find attachment names but it was EV shortcuts messing it up Good job on the script!
  • Thanks for the quick response!

    As JesusWept3 said, it's a FYI post on a problem i had with EV shorcuts attachement names.

    To illustrate the problem:Object Info.png

  • Hey 2D, thanks for sharing the information. I thought you require solution to this scenario.

    Just FYI, If you dont need solution, then while posting it, you can select "I do not need a solution (just sharing information)"