Forum Discussion

SYMAJ's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

5020 Appliance - Optimized Duplication - Media Open Error 83

I have a site where we have implemented 4 x 5020 appliances, each configured as a seperate device (no multi-node storage pools).  Site is NBU 7104, with the appliances all at 1.4.2.

There is 1 master and four media servers, and the appliances have been configured as follows:

Media servers 30, 32 & 33 are on Primary Site, media server 34 on DR site.

Appliance 1 (Primary site) - Storage server configured as attached to media server 32, with media server 30 & 33 as additional 'helping' servers.

Appliance 2 (Primary site) - Storage server configured as attached to media server 32, with media server 30 & 33 as additional 'helping' servers.

Appliance 3 (DR site) - Storage server configured as attached to media server 32, with media server 30 & 33 & 34 as additional 'helping' servers.

Appliance 4 (DR site) - Storage server configured as attached to media server 32, with media server 30 & 33 & 34 as additional 'helping' servers.

Disk pools were configured and storage units created.  For the storage units, one was created with 'use any available media server', and then one was created for each of the media servers 30, 32, 33 - with only that media server being selected.

I am running a job which backs up 8.5GB of data to Appliance 1, using the storage unit specific to media server 30.  The next step of the SLP does a Duplicate, specifying the storage unit which has Appliance 3 and only media server 30 specified.  The backup step runs then I get the following error:


19/10/2012 18:37:14 - requesting resource LCM_ie-dubadm030_BCS_NBU011  (this is appliance 3 at DR site, accesed through media server 30)

19/10/2012 18:37:15 - granted resource LCM_ie-dubadm030_BCS_NBU011

19/10/2012 18:37:18 - started process RUNCMD (8064)

19/10/2012 18:37:18 - ended process 0 (8064)

19/10/2012 18:37:20 - begin Duplicate

19/10/2012 18:37:23 - requesting resource ie-dubadm030_BCS_NBU011

19/10/2012 18:37:23 - reserving resource @aaaap

19/10/2012 18:37:25 - reserved resource @aaaap

19/10/2012 18:37:25 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaat;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=BCS_NBU011;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=ie-bcsnbupan011;MediaServer=ie-dubadm030

19/10/2012 18:37:25 - granted resource ie-dubadm030_BCS_NBU011

19/10/2012 18:37:26 - requesting resource @aaaap

19/10/2012 18:37:27 - Info Duplicate(pid=8064) Initiating optimized duplication from @aaaap to @aaaat     

19/10/2012 18:37:27 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaap;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=SDK_NBU011;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=ie-dubnbupan011;MediaServer=ie-dubadm030

19/10/2012 18:37:32 - Info bpdm(pid=6332) started           

19/10/2012 18:37:33 - started process bpdm (6332)

19/10/2012 18:37:47 - Info bpdm(pid=6332) requesting nbjm for media        

19/10/2012 18:37:49 - Critical bpdm(pid=6332) sts_get_cred failed: error 3 emmerr 2000048      

19/10/2012 18:37:51 - Critical bpdm(pid=6332) failure to open sts for storage server ie-dubnbupan011: plug-in reports error 2060001 one or more invalid arguments

19/10/2012 18:37:53 - Error bpduplicate(pid=8064) host ie-bcsadm034 backup id IE-DUBPRNPWV052_1350666523 optimized duplication failed, media open error (83).  (host specified here is media server 34 at the DR site - which is an alternate read server)

19/10/2012 18:37:56 - Error bpduplicate(pid=8064) Duplicate of backupid IE-DUBPRNPWV052_1350666523 failed, media open error (83).   

19/10/2012 18:37:56 - requesting resource @aaaap

19/10/2012 18:37:56 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaap;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=SDK_NBU011;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=ie-dubnbupan011;MediaServer=ie-dubadm030

19/10/2012 18:37:59 - Info bpdm(pid=6928) started           

19/10/2012 18:38:01 - started process bpdm (6928)

19/10/2012 18:38:13 - Info bpdm(pid=6928) requesting nbjm for media        

19/10/2012 18:38:15 - Critical bpdm(pid=6928) sts_get_cred failed: error 3 emmerr 2000048      

19/10/2012 18:38:17 - Critical bpdm(pid=6928) failure to open sts for storage server ie-dubnbupan011: plug-in reports error 2060001 one or more invalid arguments

19/10/2012 18:38:19 - Error bpduplicate(pid=8064) host ie-bcsadm034 backup id IE-DUBPRNPWV052_1350667186 optimized duplication failed, media open error (83).  (host specified here is media server 34 at the DR site - which is an alternate read server)

19/10/2012 18:38:21 - Error bpduplicate(pid=8064) Duplicate of backupid IE-DUBPRNPWV052_1350667186 failed, media open error (83).   

19/10/2012 18:38:21 - requesting resource @aaaap

19/10/2012 18:38:22 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaap;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=SDK_NBU011;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=ie-dubnbupan011;MediaServer=ie-dubadm030

19/10/2012 18:38:25 - Info bpdm(pid=5708) started           

19/10/2012 18:38:27 - started process bpdm (5708)

19/10/2012 18:38:40 - Info bpdm(pid=5708) requesting nbjm for media        

19/10/2012 18:38:42 - Critical bpdm(pid=5708) sts_get_cred failed: error 3 emmerr 2000048      

19/10/2012 18:38:44 - Critical bpdm(pid=5708) failure to open sts for storage server ie-dubnbupan011: plug-in reports error 2060001 one or more invalid arguments

19/10/2012 18:38:46 - Error bpduplicate(pid=8064) host ie-bcsadm034 backup id IE-DUBPRNPWV052_1350667622 optimized duplication failed, media open error (83).  (host specified here is media server 34 at the DR site - which is an alternate read server)

19/10/2012 18:38:48 - Error bpduplicate(pid=8064) Duplicate of backupid IE-DUBPRNPWV052_1350667622 failed, media open error (83).   

19/10/2012 18:38:49 - Error bpduplicate(pid=8064) Status = no images were successfully processed.     

19/10/2012 18:38:49 - end Duplicate; elapsed time: 00:01:29

media open error(83)=

I see many references to this error in the forums, but am unsure as to how to proceed.  One items points to licensing - we have an overall site license (1 for NBU and 1 for De-Dup).  Both are entered, with the de-dup license also being entered on each appliance.

The main issue appears to point to both storage units (appliances / disk pools) being available to a single media server.  In my case I am running the backup and the diplication to storage units tied to the same media server - media server 30.  I do notice in the output above that the host ie-bcsadm034 is being noted on the bpduplicate statement - this is the media server at the DR site and it is specified as an alternate read server for this SLP.

Is my issue the Alternate read server - do I need ay reference to this at all ?

I expect to have media server 30 doing accessing boththe source and target appliances for this duplication, so why is media server 34 getting involved ?  Is it down to the alternate read server being specified ?

Any input appreciated.


  • If you feel that the alternate read server is an issue in the duplication then leave it out or use the "any available" one.

    The opt-dupe actually goes straight from appliance to appliance and never passes anything through a media server so all you need for a duplication is enough to trigger the duplication itself.

    Other than that make sure all appliances can communicate with each other as that is the most important thing, especially across site, so use hosts file entries on the appliances if neccessary - very important if they have more than one network connected as they could route along the wrong network.

    So all 4 appliances need to be able communicate with each other via the appropriate IP address

    Hope this helps

8 Replies

  • If you feel that the alternate read server is an issue in the duplication then leave it out or use the "any available" one.

    The opt-dupe actually goes straight from appliance to appliance and never passes anything through a media server so all you need for a duplication is enough to trigger the duplication itself.

    Other than that make sure all appliances can communicate with each other as that is the most important thing, especially across site, so use hosts file entries on the appliances if neccessary - very important if they have more than one network connected as they could route along the wrong network.

    So all 4 appliances need to be able communicate with each other via the appropriate IP address

    Hope this helps

  • Thanks for the reply - I did get this resolved earlier by removing the Aletrnate Read Server. 

    However - I have discovered another issue.  I have eth0 defined as a management interface and eth1 thru eth5 bonded as the main data interface.  When I am writing to the appliances directly I see the data going in over the ether-channel (eth1 thru eth5), but when the appliances are performing optimized replication they appear to be sending traffic out over the management interface (eth0).  Now both interfaces are on the same network so traffic is reaching the other appliance - but not good as it is going out over the single 1GbE interface which we had defined for management.

    I have a recolection that you can specify which interface / network the replication traffic goes out over - is this the case ?

    I need to ensure that ALL data (including replication) goes out over my bond0 (eth1 thru eth5 bonded 802.3ad) interface group.



  • Login to the appliance web interface using the /install option (the same as when you first set them up)

    On the home page you get at the bottom right and option to "Specify backup, restore and replication networks"

    Hope this gets you sorted

  • Just prior to going onsite to try this, what can I expect to see when I launch this option ?

    I see the selection you talk about on a screen-shot I have of the appliance 'Installer' landing page, but what can I expect to see when I click the link ?  Is this simply another link into the configure network screens or does it allow mw to explicitely specify interfaces / networks to use for backup / replication etc. ?

    Thanks again,


  • Sorry for the delay getting back to you ... this lets you choose the IP range (based on what is configured on the appliance) to use for backups and for replication

    Just tick boxes / ranges to fill in - but it does guide you as to what you need to enter

    Hope it goes OK

  • All worked OK - the network specification is via subnet, with one for the backup&restore and one for replication.  I set these and all worked as expected with replication traffic going over the correct network.

    Thanks for the input.


  • Glad you sorted it out - don't forget to mark the solution as the one with the details of what answered yoru question to help this searching for an answer in the future