Forum Discussion

cmorrall's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

NBU Appliance 5220, How to get the nbdeployutil report

I am currently trying to get an up to date report on the capacity usage, I may have to initiate a purchase of additional licenses. I figured out that I can use the nbdeployutil tool to generate the report. I have created an NetBackup CLI user and generated the report, placed in what I assume is a home folder of sorts.

This is in /home/nbusersreport-capacity-20141201_120045.xls


However, the file permissions for the report has root as owner, and I don't have permissions to copy around this file. I have read numerous threads about security restrictions, possible implications with regards to warranty and recommended best practicies.

My simple question is; what is the best practice way to generate and access this report in an appliance environment?

  • Just to make sure I wasn't overstepping any boundaries, I worked with Technical support to get the procedure documented. Indeed they remoted in and went through the process of using 'elevate' and then chmod to grant read access to the finished report.

6 Replies

  • Just to make sure I wasn't overstepping any boundaries, I worked with Technical support to get the procedure documented. Indeed they remoted in and went through the process of using 'elevate' and then chmod to grant read access to the finished report.

  • LOL,


    When i look at it on mine it has -rw-r--r-- so you should be able to get to it.


    In this case I would just override the security and get the file via root access. I'm sure you'll be forgiven as you're actually trying to be honest and generating a report to right size your licensing ;)


    If you need help on that let me know.

  • I was successful in generating the report in the "incoming patches" share, I can see the excel file and I can almost taste it but no. "Access denied" when I try to open it or copy it in Windows.

  • ok try this.


    nbdeployutil --gather --output="/inst/patch/incoming"

    nbdeployutil --report --capacity /inst/patch/incoming/blah blah what ever it told you


    then go to the CLISH and open the software share and pick the file from it


  • I created a NetBackupCLI user called "nbucli" and logged in via putty with this user:

    [appliance] is not the actual hostname. This is the master and the only mediaserver, no other NetBackup resources in this enviornment, apart from the clients.

    nbucli@appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd> nbdeployutil --gather --capacity

    NetBackup Deployment Utility, version
    Gathering license deployment information...
      Discovered master server appliance
      Output for appliance at: /usr/openv/var/global/reports/20141201_115319_appliance
    Gather DONE
    Execution time: 5 secs
    To create a report for this master server, run the following:
      nbdeployutil --report --capacity /usr/openv/var/global/reports/20141201_115319_appliance

    nbdeployutil --report --capacity /usr/openv/var/global/reports/20141201_115319_appliance --output /home/nbusers

    I end up with a couple of files in /home/nbusers

    nbucli@appliance:~> ls -al
    /bin/ls: cannot access ..: Permission denied
    total 2152
    drwxrwxr-x 2 root   nbusers    4096 Dec  1 12:26 .
    d????????? ? ?      ?             ?            ? ..
    -rw------- 1 nbucli nbusers     955 Dec  1 15:24 .bash_history_nbucli
    -rw------- 1 root   root    2113903 Dec  1 12:01 nbdeployutil-report-capacity-20141201_120045.log
    -rw------- 1 root   root      68608 Dec  1 12:01 report-capacity-20141201_120045.xls


    This excel file I would like to get my hands on, but it is only accessible as root.


  • How did you run the nbdeployutil? Is this your master?


    Sorry , I only ever run this from CLI (as root) so interested to see how you generated it. Then we can see how to get it off.