Forum Discussion

amoramo's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

NBU5230 (Master Server) unable to communicate with NBU5230 Media Server

Hi Support,

Please I need your urgent assistance.

I am setting up a new NetBackup environment with two NBU 5230 appliances. 1x5230 will serve as the Master/Media server and the other 1x5230 will serve as Media server.

The customer provided a private network, where IPs of both appliances can ping each other. However, after successfully setting up the appliance "Master/Media" I also try to setup the 2nd appliance as "Media server" but I got the errors below:

Could not check if master server 'mbunbuapp01' has any storage objects for storage server 'mutnbuapp01'.

Could not find EMM server of master server 'mbunbuapp01' (48:client hostname could not be found).

NB: After setting up the 1st appliance master/media server, I did added the FQHN of the Media server to be to Settings > NetBackup AdditionalServers Add media-server of the Master/Media, but I still got the errors above.

Because of the above error, I have not been able to setup the 2nd appliance as "Media server" which is suppose to communicate with appliance "Master/Media server"

I also notice ports 5900 and 7578 were not open on the Master/Media server, could this be responsible for the applaince Media server not communication with the Master server.

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Riaan,

    Thank you so much for your support. I have finally solve the issue. I believe it was a mistake on my own part.

    Like I said in my first post, these appliances are being configured in a private network no DNS. So I have to update the /etc/hosts files on both the Master and Media server applainces, but I forget to add the Master server details on the Media server /etc/hosts file. Once I discovered this, I quickly added it and restart the Media server setup and it was successful. I have since setup my single domain configuration made up 1x5230 (Master/Media and 1x5230 Media server.

    Thanks once again for your support.



7 Replies

  • Hi Felix


    Do you have name resolution configured for all the IP addresses including the priv network? How do you propose to use the private network?


    Remember the following and then think about the configuration. A server would be installed with a name, lets call it nbumaster, and the appliance maybe as nbumedia. Now you're going to have 2 IP addresses for these devices which basically means you'll have 2 exits leaving the appliance. To add to that, depending on the routing and name resolution, 1 of these exits would be considered the primary exit that will be used.


    If nbumaster knows that it can contact nbumedia accross the primary network it would do so. If the priv network was associated (priv IPs) with nbumaster and nbumedia then it would use those. As you can see, it might get a bit confusing if the default is one, and you're expecting it to use the other.


    My thoughts on the topic is to use the PRIV (Backup) network addresses as the primary address / names for the backup servers (master / media / appliance).


    The ports you mentioned are not related to Netbackup but more to remote console admin of the appliance.


    Things you need to look at is

    What name is the master installed with?

    Which IP does the appliance resolve when you specify the master's name?

    Is it the same network that the appliance would use to talk to the media or do they differ?

  • Hi Riaan,

    Thank you for your reply, both appliances Master/Media and Media uses the same private network with address 10.170.44.xx. This IP addresses is different from the public 10.170.45.xx use to access the appliance during maintenance.

    I have setup couples of nbappliances before but not on a private network which I have to manually enter every details like the /etc/hosts files, /etc/resolv.conf etc. Pls do I also need to add the Master server details on the bp.conf file of the Media server applaince to be configured? In my thought, I think this will be updated automatically when the initial setup of the Media server appliance is successful since I've already added the Media server details on the Master server

    • From the Main_Menu > Settings view, run the following command:

    Settings > NetBackup AdditionalServers Add media-server

    Please advise,

    Thank you,


  • Hi Felix

    Few questions

    1. Do you use DNS in the environment (for windows systems)?
    2. Have you created DNS entries for the appliances?
    3. Are the backup clients going to have an interface on the PRIV Network?
    4. Please post the output of the following commands (you can change the names/IPs but be consistent in your replacement, or pm me the outputs)
      1. from CLI on master
        1. bpclntcmd -self
        2. nslookup master_server_name
        3. nslookup master_server_priv_ip
        4. nslookup master_server_pub_ip
        5. nslookup media_server_priv_ip
        6. nslookup media_server_pub_ip
        7. bpclntcmd -hn master_server_name
        8. bpclntcmd -hn media_server_name
        9. cat bp.conf
      2. From CLI on media
        1. bpclntcmd -self
        2. nslookup master_server_name
        3. nslookup master_server_priv_ip
        4. nslookup master_server_pub_ip
        5. nslookup media_server_priv_ip
        6. nslookup media_server_pub_ip
        7. bpclntcmd -hn master_server_name
        8. bpclntcmd -hn media_server_name
  • Hi Riaan,

    Thanks, I will get back to you shortly with the outputs.



  • Hi Riaan,

    Please find outputs below as requested:

    mbunbuapp01 (Master/Media server appliance)
    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # bpclntcmd -self
    current domain =
    NIS does not seem to be running: (1) Request arguments bad
    gethostname() returned: mbunbuapp01
    host mbunbuapp01: at
    aliases:     mbunbuapp01
    getfqdn(mbunbuapp01) returned:
    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # nslookup mbunbuapp01
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # bpclntcmd -hn mbunbuapp01
    host mbunbuapp01: at
    aliases:     mbunbuapp01
    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance # bpclntcmd -hn mutnbuapp01
    host mutnbuapp01: at
    aliases:     mutnbuapp01
    mbunbuapp01:/home/maintenance #
    mbunbuapp01:/usr/openv/netbackup # cat bp.conf
    SERVER = mbunbuapp01
    SERVER =
    CLIENT_NAME = mbunbuapp01
    EMMSERVER = mbunbuapp01
    VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
    VERBOSE = 1
    mbunbuapp01:/usr/openv/netbackup #

    mutnbuapp01 (Media server appliance)
    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # bpclntcmd -self
    current domain =
    NIS does not seem to be running: (1) Request arguments bad
    gethostname() returned: nb-appliance
    host nb-appliance: localhost at
    aliases:     nb-appliance     localhost
     getfqdn: File exists
    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # nslookup mbunbuapp01
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup #  nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # nslookup
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # bpclntcmd -hn mbunbuapp01
    client hostname could not be found
    alter client: mbunbuapp01 : not found. (48)
    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # bpclntcmd -hn mutnbuapp01
    host mutnbuapp01: at
    aliases:     mutnbuapp01
    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup # cat bp.conf
    SERVER = nb-appliance
    CLIENT_NAME = nb-appliance
    CONNECT_OPTIONS = localhost 1 0 2
    EMMSERVER = nb-appliance
    HOST_CACHE_TTL = 3600
    VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
    nb-appliance:/usr/openv/netbackup #



  • Hi Felix


    Your media server appliance is not yet configured with a hostname. You need to do that first.


    CLISH > Network > Hostname > Set


    Its seems there is no DNS configured in on the appliances? Are there any DNS Server in the environment? For windows maybe?

  • Hi Riaan,

    Thank you so much for your support. I have finally solve the issue. I believe it was a mistake on my own part.

    Like I said in my first post, these appliances are being configured in a private network no DNS. So I have to update the /etc/hosts files on both the Master and Media server applainces, but I forget to add the Master server details on the Media server /etc/hosts file. Once I discovered this, I quickly added it and restart the Media server setup and it was successful. I have since setup my single domain configuration made up 1x5230 (Master/Media and 1x5230 Media server.

    Thanks once again for your support.

