Forum Discussion

BorisV's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

NetBackup MSDP Deduplicatio Ratio


I am testing the backup of VMWARE Environment and I would like to know the deduplication ration.

How can I see the information of deduplication and compress of ESX Cluster.



  • Hi,


    You can run the report in opscenter to show the deduplication rate per application type.


  • Hi,


    You can run the report in opscenter to show the deduplication rate per application type.


  • Hi,

    is there any way to get it without OPS Center. From the CLI?



  • Yes, but not a very simple way. You can troll the logs looking for the CR sent information and then workout the dedupe % using the backup size.


  • Hey

    I would checked this one command

    C:\>nbdevconfig -getconfig -stype PureDisk -storage_server NBU_appliance_name
    V7.5 "storagepath" "/disk" string
    V7.5 "spalogpath" "/disk/log" string
    V7.5 "dbpath" "/disk" string
    V7.5 "required_interface" "NBU_appliance_name" string
    V7.5 "spalogretention" "7" int
    V7.5 "verboselevel" "3" int
    V7.5 "replication_target(s)" "none" string
    V7.5 "Storage Pool Raw Size" "35.5TB" string
    V7.5 "Storage Pool Reserved Space" "1.4TB" string
    V7.5 "Storage Pool Size" "34.0TB" string
    V7.5 "Storage Pool Used Space" "29.2TB" string
    V7.5 "Storage Pool Available Space" "4.8TB" string
    V7.5 "Catalog Logical Size" "281.6TB" string
    V7.5 "Catalog files Count" "81821" string
    V7.5 "Deduplication Ratio" "9.6" string

  • Although technically true, this shows only the dedupe ratio of a single job, so wouldn't give you any overall dedupe ratio.

    I think OpsCenter would be your best bet without doing some math (aggregating various backup jobs). It is free to install and use so you could always do so on a VM or something and remove it if not needed (although it's useful for many reasons).