Forum Discussion

cmorrall's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Running fails with MegaRAID

Acting on instructions from support, I'm attempting to run /opt/NBUAppliance/scripts/


This fails with the following error:




MegaRAID_CLI Symlink does not exist or not a executable file,

please Check your system.

MegaRAID_CLI Symlink should be in the '/opt/MegaRAID/' directory and

it should point to either MegaCli64 or CmdTool2 depending on hardware.




This is new install of a NetBackup 5220 appliance with one storageshelf. I updated the box to 2.5.2 a couple of weeks ago. The cache battery appears to have failed, hence the support case.


I've reverted the question to support, but I thought I'd ask here as well.

4 Replies

  • Do it from the CLISH instead - Support - DataCollect

    You can then open the logs share Support - Logs - Share Open and gather it from there

    Hope this helps

  • I did run it from the CLISH, and I retried the exact same operation just now, and it worked this time. Really strange.

    Chalk this one up to a solar flare.

  • Oh now I see, you meant the Datacollect command. Well, I was following the instructions from support to the letter, they wanted me to go into maintenance mode and elevating to a shell.

  • No need to go into the O/S - it can be run via the Support Menu in the CLISH - they really should have asked you to do it that way!!