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raj08's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Error while creating EMM database

Hi Experts,

I am into a situation now. Our EMM databse has been corrupted. And I tried to recreate the Blank EMM database and after that I thought I would recover from DR Catalog File. But when I run this command, I got the below.


# ./create_nbdb
Creating the NetBackup vxdbms.conf file.
Creating the NetBackup database.
Starting the NetBackup database.
Authenticating the NetBackup database.
VXDBMS_NB_DATA entry in bp.conf updated successfully.
Setting of database authentication for NBDB successful.
Change of dba password for NBDB successful.
Creating the NetBackup database files.
Creating the NetBackup EMM schema.
Verifying the running version of NBDB ...
NBDB version verified.
Nothing to upgrade. Version unchanged.
Database [NBDB] validation successful.
Database [NBDB] is alive and well on server [NB_netbckdr].
Creating the NetBackup Authorization database.
Database [NBAZDB] can't be started on server [NB_netbckdr].


After that I completed the process by re-starting Netbackup services (stop and start) followed by "/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpext -loadEMM" command.

After this point, my nbemmcmd -listhosts command works fine.
And after that I was able to recover my Catalog file using "bprecover -wizard".

Now it looks like everything is perfect. But lif you see the contents of /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf file, it is not showing VXDBMS_AZ_DATABASE = NBAZDB. or any other parameter related to "NBAZDB".

The current full contents of vxdbms.conf is below.

# cat vxdbms.conf
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_INDEX = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_TLOG = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_PASSWORD = afb109d1c28ce0010132ddb9df8469406cf716afedeedf21

Am I need to something for this? Please advice me.

 AM using Netbackup 7.1 in HP-UX 11.31.




  • That might be the cause but I have seen it not creating it eventhough everything was smooth. Not sure though why it misses NBAZDB.

    Please check this TN:

    NBU default password = nbusql and if you have changed it before then it will be issue and you should remeber the old password. If you have never changed anything then no need to worry as it will be still default to nbusql.

    After creating EMM (without NBAZDB) i have recoverd Hot Catalog Backup File. So is it OK, if I add this new entry in vxdbms.conf file and create a new password for NBAZDB? What I am exactly trying to say is is it safe to run this after we recover Catalog Backup?

    If your catalog backups are running fine and successfull with status code 0 then let the way it is. If automatic validation of the NBAZDB is failing then only do it.

    And what is the exact funtion of this. I know it it for DB authorization? Is it mandatory to have this password entry when this DB is available in databases file?

    The deaful password for nbdb is nbusql and you can access it using NetBackup\bin>NbDbAdmin.exe

    The NetBackup Authorization database is present whether or not NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) is configured and used.It is just there unless you configure it and to configure it you have to install it and your authorization services should be started etc ............. If you are not using it better to leave the way it is.

8 Replies

  • NBAZDB The Authorization Service’s Database is now integrated with the NetBackup databases, this feature comes the addition of the NBAZDB database. This is for NBAC.

    What about your databases.conf file, does it show NBAZDB database in there. If it does add it in vxdbms.conf.


  • Hi Sazz, Thanks for you reply.

    # cat databases.conf
    "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db" -n NBDB
    "/usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.db" -n NBAZDB


    Yes, my databases.conf file has the NBAZDB entry.

    So just by adding "VXDBMS_AZ_DATABASE = NBAZDB" would be a solution for this? Or should I need to do anything more than this?  What about the below?

    Should I need to add this entry also? And I hope adding these entry will automatically create NBAZDB.db, NBAZDB.log files. If yes, How does it work? Please clarify.

    And how about the encrypted password in vxdbms.conf file? would it be able to access both NBDB and NBAZDB?

    Can someone able to explain me, why it was not created at the first place? 




  • Adding the entry would be enough. Also to put the password

    From Install_path\Veritas\Netbackup\bin

    1) Run:
    nbdb_admin -dba nbusql
    This should create the missing AZ_DB_PASSWORD password line in vxdbms.conf

    2) Run:
    nbdb_admin -validate BMRDB; nbdb_admin -validate NBAZDB; nbdb_admin -validate

    This will manually validate all databases.

    I guess VXDBMS_AZ_INCREMENTAL = NBAZDB.log.1 is just for the changes and then it commits it to NBAZDB.log but I am not certain.

     Can someone able to explain me, why it was not created at the first place? 

    Are you sure you performed all the steps as per the TN


  • Thanks for the reply sazz, Yes, I have followed as per the TN. But the only change is that, when we have to stop netbackup services, I have forcefully killed Shared Symantec Process (/opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbx_exchange) also. Because of that It didn't create nbdb (at the first attempt). Later I started pbx_exchange, and after that I created one more NBDB. It worked. But this time, it created without NBAZDB. Is this helpful to know why NBAZDB not created?


    Your reply was very clear. Still I need to get couple of doubt clarified.


    After creating EMM (without NBAZDB) i have recoverd Hot Catalog Backup File. So is it OK, if I add this new entry in vxdbms.conf file and create a new password for NBAZDB? What I am exactly trying to say is is it safe to run this after we recover Catalog Backup?


    And what is the exact funtion of this. I know it it for DB authorization? Is it mandatory to have this password entry when this DB is available in databases file?






  • That might be the cause but I have seen it not creating it eventhough everything was smooth. Not sure though why it misses NBAZDB.

    Please check this TN:

    NBU default password = nbusql and if you have changed it before then it will be issue and you should remeber the old password. If you have never changed anything then no need to worry as it will be still default to nbusql.

    After creating EMM (without NBAZDB) i have recoverd Hot Catalog Backup File. So is it OK, if I add this new entry in vxdbms.conf file and create a new password for NBAZDB? What I am exactly trying to say is is it safe to run this after we recover Catalog Backup?

    If your catalog backups are running fine and successfull with status code 0 then let the way it is. If automatic validation of the NBAZDB is failing then only do it.

    And what is the exact funtion of this. I know it it for DB authorization? Is it mandatory to have this password entry when this DB is available in databases file?

    The deaful password for nbdb is nbusql and you can access it using NetBackup\bin>NbDbAdmin.exe

    The NetBackup Authorization database is present whether or not NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) is configured and used.It is just there unless you configure it and to configure it you have to install it and your authorization services should be started etc ............. If you are not using it better to leave the way it is.

  • Wow.. Now I am able to get into a point.

    In our process, we did not recover the complete catalog. We just recover the Partial Catalog. I think, as we did not recover Relational Databsae (NBDB) in bprecover -wizard, it did not affect us.

    To recover the FULL catalog including the relational database (NBDB), select (F),
    to recover the PARTIAL catalog including only the NetBackup catalog image
    and configuration files as designated by the disaster recovery file, select (P), or
    to recover only the RELATIONAL database (NBDB), select (R).



    So I am gonna leave this as we are not touching NBDB while we are recovering Catalog File. :)


    Below the few questions which are still related to the orginal issue.



    1. If there is some issue in creating NBAZDB, then how does ""/usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.db" -n NBAZDB" entry got added in databases.conf? Which process makes this entry in this file?

    2. And I believe when we run "create_nbdb", it creates blank NBDB and NBAZDB. So I believe this process will create both the databases with default password "nbusql". If I am right, the below should work right?

    a)Adding "VXDBMS_AZ_DATABASE = NBAZDB" to vxdbms.conf file and
    b)Creating the password using "nbdb_admin -dba nbusql"
    c)And Running "nbdb_admin -validate NBAZDB"

    3. Why do we have two different password entries for NB? Are both these passwords different?


    So, what will happen if I run "nbdb_admin -dba nbusql"? Would it reset password for both NBDB and NBAZDB? So how does "nbdb_admin -dba nbusql" recognise that there are two DB is this server?

    4. Is there a way to check whether we are using Authorization service is currently running?

    5. From the above trail, I understand NBAZDB is only used for NBAC. (Correct me if I am wrong). So if we are not using NBAC, we don't need to wory about NBAZDB. Also, please tell me how to find whether we are using NBAC.

    Many Thanks,






  • I am battling to understand your last post...

    In your opening post you told us how you have created a blank EMM database and then performed catalog recovery.

    Now you are saying that you have done a partial recovery?
    In other words everything (images, policies) EXCEPT the EMM database? 

    What is the point of having a blank NBDB database? 
    That would concern me more than NBAZDB..........

    Full recovery (F) will recover netbackup/db tree as well as NBDB, NBAZDB and EMM_DATA.

    We are not using NBAC, but have all of the following in /usr/openv/db/vxdbms.conf

    VXDBMS_NB_SERVER = NB_softserv01
    VXDBMS_NB_PORT = 13785
    VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
    VXDBMS_NB_INDEX = /usr/openv/db/data
    VXDBMS_NB_TLOG = /usr/openv/db/data
    VXDBMS_NB_STAGING = /usr/openv/db/staging
    VXDBMS_NB_PASSWORD = 4f6eb2d9e975446a092dd284fc50383e0c3f27e16be2de64
    AZ_DB_PASSWORD = Jj8mkP3sKTo=
    VXDBMS_NB_FULL_KEYWORD = NBDB:1068:1348652769:F
    VXDBMS_BACKUP_POLICY = SS01_Online_Catalog
    And in /usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf
    "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db" -n NBDB
    "/usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.db" -n NBAZDB
    There entries and databases are created by default during NBU 7.1 installation and/or upgrade.
    To find out if you are using NBAC, look for USE_VXSS =    in bp.conf.
  • Hi Marianne,


    Am also unable to understand the infrastructure of our environment as I was not much trained in Backup anytime earlier. Here we are following this method which is being successful. And I looked out for USE_VXSS in bp.conf. That entry is not available.


    We even performed DR exercise (after two weeks from the initial post) in our environment with our current method. Our current method is taking partial backup using "bprecover -wizard" command. Right now, everything works fine. As we are not using NBAZDB, we are safe now. Thanks a lot for everyone's input.


