Forum Discussion

FujSOL's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

NBU Command - Check backup jobs on Master server


Got a query on an issue I am facing.

I am running backup commands from a client (Linux) which will initiate a snapshot.  The command is bpbackup

I am looking for a command which will check the status of the backup jobs which have been kicked off by the above command.

Do you know of any commands?



  • Add log file  '-L /path/logfile' to the bpbackup command.

    You can then use 'tail -f /path/logfile'  in another window on the client to monitor progress.


    Above is to monitor progress on client. Activity Monitor or bpdbjobs to monitor on Master....

  • bpdbjobs is the command line equiv of activity monitor.  This would I think haveto be run from the master server (or a media server).


  • As Martin says the bpdbjobs is the way

    You need to identify the job itself so could use bpstart_notify on the client to write out the job pic to a file and / or use  the bpend_notify to write to a file and then monitor that file

    As well as the parameters shown it also has the pid so if you enable multiple data streams and put the following in the bpstart_notify:

    @echo pid %stream_pid% > "c:\bpstart.log"

    It will pipe out the job pid

    If you put the following in the bpend_notify:

    @echo Stream PID %stream_pid% finished with status %5>>c:\bpend.log

    The status of each stream is pipe out when the job finishes

    Hope this give some ideas

  • Add log file  '-L /path/logfile' to the bpbackup command.

    You can then use 'tail -f /path/logfile'  in another window on the client to monitor progress.


    Above is to monitor progress on client. Activity Monitor or bpdbjobs to monitor on Master....

  • Hello Marianne

    During testing i tried using -L for bpbackup for a windows server and was presented with "EXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usage".  The bpbackup was calling a policy which was a simply a MS-Windows Policy.

    Is there a reason for the error?

    Many thanks


  • bpbackup -i -p SDC02_SI_PWS_002 -S [MASTERSERVERNAME] -t 13 -h [CLIENTNAME] -s Full-Weekly -L e:\logfile

    bpbackup -i -p SDC02_SI_PWS_002 -S [MASTERSERVERNAME] -t 13 -h [CLIENTNAME] -s Full-Weekly

    Do you think the order of the command has anything to do with it?

  • I will do some tests today but our Lab server is offline at the moment...

  • I get this msg on client. 


    bpbackup -i  can only be run on the Master server

  • If we look at command usage, it does not really to matter where -L goes:

    bpbackup -i [-p policy] [-h hostname] [-s schedule] [-S master_server...] [-t policy_type] [-L progress_log [-en]] [-w [hh:mm:ss]] [-k "keyword_phrase"]

    Please double-check that there is not already a file or folder called logfile in E:\

  • Thanks Marianne - i am running the commands and i am seeing logs, I deleted what logs were in there and then ran the bpbackup command again.  Will keep you posted. 
