no images were successfully processed 191
i recently upgaded from NB 7.1 to 8.0. My master is a RHEL virtual machine and i have a new appliance 5240 acting as a media server and still an old media server running nb 7.1. This 7.1 host is robot control host and the only one connected to tape until now.
Problem is on some policies my duplication is working and on others not. One problem is the following see log below. Any ideas?
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - requesting resource LCM_fraadmops1b-hcart3-robot-tld-1
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - granted resource LCM_fraadmops1b-hcart3-robot-tld-1
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - begin Duplicate
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - started process RUNCMD (pid=2478)
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - requesting resource fraadmops1b-hcart3-robot-tld-1
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - requesting resource @aaaat
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - reserving resource @aaaat
21.09.2017 08:27:30 - Waiting for scan drive stop IBM.ULTRIUM-TD6.001, Media server: fraadmops1b
21.09.2017 08:27:31 - ended process 0 (pid=2478)
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - Info bpduplicate (pid=2478) Suspend window close behavior is not supported for a source or destination media server less than 7.6
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - Info bpduplicate (pid=2478) window close behavior: Continue processing the current image
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - resource @aaaat reserved
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - granted resource 100263
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - granted resource IBM.ULTRIUM-TD6.001
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - granted resource fraadmops1b-hcart3-robot-tld-1
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaat;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dp_msdp_franbap1b;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=franbap1b;MediaServer=franbap1b
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - Info bptm (pid=5592) start
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - started process bptm (pid=5592)
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - Error bptm (pid=5592) client type 40 is not valid
21.09.2017 08:27:33 - Info bptm (pid=5592) EXITING with status 20 <----------
21.09.2017 08:27:34 - Error bpduplicate (pid=2478) write host fraadmops1b: invalid command parameter (20)
21.09.2017 08:27:34 - Error bpduplicate (pid=2478) Duplicate of backupid FRAALTT2_1505902514 failed, invalid command parameter (20).
21.09.2017 08:27:34 - Error bpduplicate (pid=2478) Status = no images were successfully processed.
21.09.2017 08:27:34 - end Duplicate; elapsed time 0:00:04
no images were successfully processed (191)
thanks Kai