Forum Discussion

markdavies1978's avatar
15 years ago

Phase 2 import fails - no images were successfully processed

Hi all,

I have had to recently rebuild my Master\Media Server & now need to restore some data from a tape pre re-install.

Phase 1 import has worked fine.

Phase 2 states the following:

08/12/2009 14:46:45 - begin Import
08/12/2009 14:46:49 - started process bptm (1196)
08/12/2009 14:46:50 - started process bptm (568)
08/12/2009 14:46:52 - started process bptm (1196)
08/12/2009 14:46:52 - mounting BR1988
08/12/2009 14:46:50 - requesting resource BR1988
08/12/2009 14:46:50 - granted resource BR1988
08/12/2009 14:46:50 - granted resource BRI-MSL4048-1-DRIVE2
08/12/2009 14:47:56 - mounted; mount time: 00:01:04
08/12/2009 14:47:57 - positioning BR1988 to file 2
08/12/2009 14:48:31 - positioned BR1988; position time: 00:00:34
08/12/2009 14:48:31 - begin reading
08/12/2009 17:12:52 - end reading; read time: 02:24:21
08/12/2009 17:12:58 - Error bpimport(pid=5916) Import of policy BRIP3R3CITF01, schedule BRIP3R3CITF01_FULL (brip3r3citf01_1258821527) failed, tar did not find all the files to be restored.
08/12/2009 17:12:58 - Error bpimport(pid=5916) Status = no images were successfully processed.     
08/12/2009 17:12:58 - end Import; elapsed time: 02:26:13
no images were successfully processed(191)

Any ideas?

This has happened for 2 tapes I need to do restores for now.


4 Replies

  • Hi Andy,

    Yes the backup job spanned across 2 tapes as per the import report so I'm a bit stuck.

    May have to try some different tapes.

  • "...
    The Media Contents report, which physically reads media to display its content information, may also be used to help determine which media are part of the backup set in question.

    Never tried it personally on a tape that I've run a Phase I on (don't do many imports at all, truth be told!) but it may give you other tapes to look for?

  • Since phase 1 is succefull run the command below to get the list of images on the media import in phase 1

    bpimmedia -L -mediaid <barcodes> | grep -i image

    if the images listed are what you are looking for then specify the images in the phase 2 import using the right media server.

    But if not that means the media imported in phase 1 are not the media needed.