Forum Discussion

Rookies's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Oracle Backup using RMAN script

Hi Everyone,


I have go through the manual but honestly I'm quite confuse on the step of configuring this type of database backup on linux.

Do I need to change the permission on file "" to full access?

How about backup configuration for windows? Is it simillar?

What I need to apend/edit in the RMAN script? The manual doesn't really shows on what to configure in the RMAN script.. Really need help.



3 Replies

  • 1)Do I need to change the permission on file "" to full access?


     2)How about backup configuration for windows? Is it simillar?

      for Windows linking is not required

    3)What I need to apend/edit in the RMAN script? The manual doesn't really shows on what to configure in the RMAN script.. Really need help.

    As Marianne suggested plz work with Oracle DBA.


  • You really need to work with your RMAN dba - don't try this if you are not the dba.

    The sample scripts are installed on the clients along with the NBU client software.

    The comments in the script explain what needs to be changed/customized.

    libobk has the correct permissions. The step that is important is the linking between NBU and Oracle and must be done as the oracle user.

    Have a look at my post over here:

  • --> You should get most of these in admin guiide:

    Do I need to change the permission on file "" to full access?

    --> No, no mention of this requirement in the guide.

    How about backup configuration for windows? Is it simillar?

    --> Check out chapter 3 with some steps particular to WIndows environment.

    What I need to apend/edit in the RMAN script? The manual doesn't really shows on what to configure in the RMAN script..

    --> Do you mean the Netbackup for Oracle script, it's in page 87~88. Once you install the client software, the sample script is available for you to edit to your own setting.