Forum Discussion

PCJunky's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

SSR 2011 fails to cleanup .v2i recovery points after a backup

We have Symantedc System Recovery 2010/2011 across several sights, and we have noticed a common problem occurs where previous recovery points do not get cleaned up post backup as per the rules in the...
  • PCJunky's avatar
    13 years ago

    Incremental fixes this, I guess by working round the main issues of a big single backup - you still have to get that initial snapshot image but once thats done your set and the backups are far more reliable.


    SSR has issues creating large single backup images to a network device, so ideally you want to be using SSR with a locally attached device - although further evidence suggests its more of a speed issue so a large backup to a slow local device say USB1 hard disk will have simliar issues, SSR reporting the network connection dropping is a red herring as seperate diagnostics show no network drop outs at the time SSR says there were, its more likey a timeout issue SSR then interperits as a network dropout.

    When it starts to go wrong it goes wrong quite quickly over the space of one maybe two weeks as SSR slowly fills the drive, this is due in the majority to the old backup cleanup never taking place when a jobs crashes/fails, compounded by SSR not properly managing the backup location and being able to inteligently groom it - see a known issues with SSR not grooming old backups, as it works ok for incremental and only affects single image backups - its another reason to go with incremental.

    SSR was meant to be a low cost setup and forget backup solution for our small business customers who have no internal IT skills who wanted single image 'snapshot' backups, and while I cannot sing the praises enough for BE, and both Symantecs telephone phone and forum support is without equal in our experiance, sadley SSR has missed the mark for us.

    Here's hopeing SSR 2012 continues to build on this and overcomes these issues...