Forum Discussion

PoNuts's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

"Symantec" Veritas netbackup client

Install/Upgrade netbackup client

  • Netbackupmaster and media and OPSCenter server is on 7.7.2. 
  • Joined the domain

Installation from the netbackupmaster server I start C:\admin\NetBackup_7.7.2_Win\PC_Clnt\x64\Setup as administrator, so far so good. but when browsing the destination system i dont get our domain it tells me the error 'No domains found'. 

OK next think I can do is to import a DOMAIN\COMPUTERNAME list but question is.. is there a way to get an output form netbackut that is formated in that way directly.. eq <bpcommand> <policy> list.. then to a .txt file for later import. 

I can manully add one by one host... but that feels so -80:s 


regards Pontus Ankarbåge

  • Two 'old' posts with the same symptoms & various possible corrective actions - the issue with both was the Computer Browser Service:


    As far as list of clients:

    bpplclients -allunique -noheader

    bpplclient policy_name -noheader

    both will need tidying up to cut out client name and add domain .....

  • If you have all 80 servers in your /etc/hosts file then get all of them in a normal text file and import it while selecting the hosts for installation.

    When you create the text file, the host names must be in following format :



    Hope it helps.

  • Two 'old' posts with the same symptoms & various possible corrective actions - the issue with both was the Computer Browser Service:


    As far as list of clients:

    bpplclients -allunique -noheader

    bpplclient policy_name -noheader

    both will need tidying up to cut out client name and add domain .....

  • Issue found. there was a problem with the computer browser service on the dc.solved the browsing part ;)

  • Actually the output from bpplclients gives me also what kind of host it is.. thx all for posting answer ;)