Forum Discussion

GavSol's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Granular Restore Option (8.5) not showing all server disks (and preventing mounting of Exchange)

I have a problem with a new build of BESR 8.5 with GRO where it only seems to load the C: drive of the server loaded with the sv2i file.


For example I have C:, H: and I: drive on my server and each of the v2i files are created successfully. However, GRO only mounts the c: drive.

Further, in the case of my exchange server when I try and mount the message store via the Exchange mail option (where data I: disk), I'm getting the error "unable to locate backup copy of a storage group" with the details "make sure the volume which contains 'i:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb' was selected for backup".

7 Replies

  • OK, so I'm working on my own problem here - feel free to drop in and offer further suggesions.

    I've since discovered that by default GRO will load the most recently saved disk by default. Using the "Backup Date" drop list I can load in other 'backups' which correlate to the other disks on the sever. Further, using the "Versions" button, I can select the other disks and all works fine - but only for Files and Folders.

    I still cannot get GRO to load my Exchange mail store from a server with multiple hard disks.

    The server has the following drive structure, running on Windows 2003 in an MS cluster:
    C: Operating System
    H: Exchange Logs
    I: Exchange Data

    Choosing various default drives through the Backup Date gives different errors - to me it looks like it just doesn't see the info it needs from the other disk images?

    Load backup date which correlates to C: = "make sure the volume which contains 'i:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb' was selected for backup".

    Load backup date which correlates to I: = "Unable to find the Exchange information File"

    NB. I've already added the machine name to the registry as described in this article

  • This issue will likely be corrected in the service pack, 8.5 SP1, which is due out soon.
  • Hope so. If not, it's a pretty wasted option, GRO for exchange that is.

    Do you know how soon soon is?

  • Hi,


    I have the exact same issue. Do you know when this Service Pack will be released?


    Also when it is released where can we download it from?





  • It's not available in Live Update. And I cannot access fileconnect due to I dont have the serial number for the product as Symantec had made a mistake and hadn;t packed the sheet with the serial number in the package on my product, so they emailed me a license key directly (actually a scan of a license key).


    I can PM you the case reference if you need it. Please advise how I get access to the service pack


