Forum Discussion

wnetobr's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Need a script to do an specific schedule job

Hi all! I have a Sym Backup Exec System Recovery 2010 and I´m trying to run a job at a specific time on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

Well, turns out that it is not possible to do such selection in the program scheduler. So I´m thinking that it may be possible to do by a script (vbs or batch file), but I can´t think in a way of doing it by a batch file and I don´t know how to build a vbs script.

The job is already created, lets call it “Tuesdayjob”, and it is programed to create a single image of the whole system in “c:\backup\”.

Is there a way to do this?

  • This should do the trick: Just replace YOURJOBNAME with the job name of your specific job as it is displayed in the SSR console.



    Option Explicit
    Dim oV2iAuto
     Dim oNet
     Dim oCurrentJob
     Dim oImageJob
     Dim sJobID
     Dim sJobName

     ' Step 1: Create a VProRecovery automation object
     Set oV2iAuto = CreateObject("Symantec.ProtectorAuto")
     ' Step 2: Connect to the local agent
     WScript.Echo "Connecting..."
     Set oNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
     Call oV2iAuto.Connect(oNet.ComputerName)
     ' Find the image job ID
     For Each oCurrentJob In oV2iAuto.ImageJobs

      if oCurrentJob.DisplayName = sJobName then

       sJobID = oCurrentJob.ID
       WScript.Echo "Job ID is: " & sJobID
       Set oImageJob = oCurrentJob
       WScript.Sleep 500 ' allow console time to refresh if it's running

     end if
    'Run the image job Now
    Call oV2iAuto.DoImageJob(oImageJob.ID, oImageJob.Constants.ImageTypeFull)

10 Replies

  • yep: You could have a look at the Docs\Automation\PowershellScripts Folder on the product CD. Here you will find RunJobNow.ps1 !

  • The thing is that the 2010 version doesn´t have support for porwershell nor this file in the product CD.


    I´ve found that windows task scheduler actually can program a task to do exactly as I want, but I still need a vbs or batch to do the job.


  • '''''RunBESRjob.vbs''''''''''

    Option Explicit

    Dim oV2iAuto
    Dim oNet
    Dim oCurrentJob
    Dim oImageJob
    Dim sJobID

    ' Step 1: Create a VProRecovery automation object
    Set oV2iAuto = CreateObject("Symantec.ProtectorAuto")

    ' Step 2: Connect to the local agent
    WScript.Echo "Connecting..."
    Set oNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
    Call oV2iAuto.Connect(oNet.ComputerName)

    ' Find the image job ID
    For Each oCurrentJob In oV2iAuto.ImageJobs
    sJobID = oCurrentJob.ID
    WScript.Echo "Job ID is: " & sJobID
    Set oImageJob = oCurrentJob
    WScript.Sleep 500 ' allow console time to refresh if it's running

    'Run the image job Now

    Call oV2iAuto.DoImageJob(oImageJob.ID, oImageJob.Constants.ImageTypeFull)



  • Thank you Koestler!

    As I´m a newby in vbs, I´ll need some help with the line codes. If you don´t mind...

    Which of these are the variables that I have to substitute? And, I notice that I´m going to need the jobID, how can I find the job ID that I want to be trigger?

    Thanks again!

  • I´ve tried! It works but did the wrong job or call all the jobs and queued (I didn´t wait to see, it started the wrong job anyway).

    So, the next step is tell the program to do just one specific job.

    But, how to do that?


  • This should do the trick: Just replace YOURJOBNAME with the job name of your specific job as it is displayed in the SSR console.



    Option Explicit
    Dim oV2iAuto
     Dim oNet
     Dim oCurrentJob
     Dim oImageJob
     Dim sJobID
     Dim sJobName

     ' Step 1: Create a VProRecovery automation object
     Set oV2iAuto = CreateObject("Symantec.ProtectorAuto")
     ' Step 2: Connect to the local agent
     WScript.Echo "Connecting..."
     Set oNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
     Call oV2iAuto.Connect(oNet.ComputerName)
     ' Find the image job ID
     For Each oCurrentJob In oV2iAuto.ImageJobs

      if oCurrentJob.DisplayName = sJobName then

       sJobID = oCurrentJob.ID
       WScript.Echo "Job ID is: " & sJobID
       Set oImageJob = oCurrentJob
       WScript.Sleep 500 ' allow console time to refresh if it's running

     end if
    'Run the image job Now
    Call oV2iAuto.DoImageJob(oImageJob.ID, oImageJob.Constants.ImageTypeFull)

  • Koestler, YOU ARE THE MAN!

    Works perfect!

    Thank you very much!