Forum Discussion

n3m3sls's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Opcion copia de seguridad deshabilitado...

Hola a todos, acudo a ustedes para ver si pueden ayudarme con una duda, en System Recovery no puedo seleccionar que archivos especificos backupear porque me aparaece la opcion deshabilitada, adjunto una imagen para mostrar a que me refiero, ya coloqué la licencia pero aun así aparece deshabilitado que puede ser?

4 Replies


    Please, I need help with product System Recovery 2011. I can not select the specific files that I want to backup, because the option is disabled.

    Attached is a picture to show what I mean. I also put the license and the problem continues.

    Could you tell me what is the problem?



  • Hm do you open the console on the machine where the files are located or from a remote machine ?

  • I suspect you are trying to do this on a remote machine. If this is true, you can only configure file/folder backups locally I'm afraid.