Forum Discussion

rickr_tcf's avatar
13 years ago

SSR 2011 fails to backup - the recovery point file cannot be found

I have an SBS2008 server, with SSR 2011. When we backup to an external USB drive we recieve the following error. This happens every night. I checked the external drive, the C and D drive images are created but the F: drive fails to backup. I manually ran a backup of the F drive and that completed with no problems. SSR Version: Any fixes to this problem?

Error details:Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of SYSTEM (C:\), DATA (D:\), RECOVERY (F:\).

Error EC8F03F0: Cannot add the new recovery point to the history of this drive.
Error ED800018: The recovery point file 'H:\CPGDC03_F_Drive001.v2i' cannot be found. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)
Source: Symantec System Recovery

1 Reply

  • Rick,

    Can you direct the SBS2008 backup to a drive other than this USB; say to a share on a workstation class system with enough storage space? If so, does that allow a backup of C,D,F successfully? How fragmented are the source drives and the storage drive. I had a case with the same error where the server class system exceeded 80% file fragmentation on a drive with less then 20% freespace. It was not until we use the sysinternal's contig utility along with a 3rd party disk defragmentor that defrags the MFT, and moving the page file to a 2nd disk that the customer was able to make incremental updates and not get this error.
