Forum Discussion

Kalaqu_Khan's avatar
13 years ago

SSR-MS201110.0.2 Some of Client cannot Install License key From server

Hey Everyone,

I have Installed Symantec System Recovery Management Solution 10.0.2

With 20 Manage Clients.15 Clients Installed Licensed With no Problem.. But Other 5 Computer Have problem With Installation...This Computer Go's to Auto Trail Version And now Trail Version Have been Expired...And The Expired Clients Didn't Accept key From Licensing Policy...But I Manually put the key to SSR2011 Clients Interface than thay was Accept the key and Finished Wizard.. But After Restart PC..Again SSR2011 Show Trail Version...

(When I Am Install New Windows, Agent, Plagin And SSR2011 SP2 Eveything Going Fine Accept Same key By SSR2011....)

In Symantec System Recovery Management Solution 2011 10.0.2

Licensing Policy Logs Give me This Error

Error EC8F1C20: Cannot install license. Error EC8F17C8: Invalid serial number: 08Exxxxxxxxxxxxx.

I am Sure my Product Key is Not Expired...

Kindly Pls Help Me to Resolve This Problem...

Best Regards..


  • Are this registry keys present on your machine:

16 Replies