Forum Discussion

Foralias's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

System Recovery 2013 error on scheduled job

Hi there.


I have a huge problem on a windows XP workstation running a small "server" application.

Every time the scheduled job starts, it quits with the following error:


Description: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of (C:\).
Error EC8F03ED: Cannot create the recovery point.
Error E7D1000B: Unable to make directory '//ucserver1/backup/'.
Error EBAB03F1: Following Operating System error occurred while performing requested operation: 'The requested file was not found(translated from danish)'
Details: 0xE7D1000B
The problem doesn't occur if I run the backup job manual.
The backup job runs a backup on a USB attached drive on another server.
There is full access permissions to "everyone"
There is full share permissions to "everyone"
Symantec System Recovery 2013 fully patched.
Windows XP fully patched.
What I've done so far:
chkdsk /f /r
Uninstalled SSR 2013
Removed all folders remotely assembling "symantec" on the computer. Also searched the hidden folders.
Reinstalled SSR 2013 and created a new job.
Tried the following -
Problem still occurs.
The error doesn't appear after a reboot of the computer. But after a few days, it occurs again..
Funny thing is that the problem only occurs, when the job runs automatic. If I run it manually, there is no problem :-/
Plz help :-)
  • Thnx for your reply.


    Funny thing is that since I opened this request, there hasn't been any error on the product.


    But I'll keep this "fix" in mind, IF the problem occurs again.

8 Replies

  • 1. Make sure there is enough free hard drive space, 15% or above.

    2.Create a new recovery point using the following steps:

    • Right-click the backup job and select “Run backup with options” from the shortcut menu.
    • In the new window, select “New recovery point set”.
    • Click OK to run the backup job.

    Please reply with a feedback and let us know if it worked.

  • Thank you for the quick reply.


    1. There is >700 GB left on the backup disk. The image is approx 10 GB, so space should be adequate.

    2. Im unable to select new recoverypoint set. It greyed out. But then again. That should have been solved with the reinstall that I did, shoulden't it?

  • Sorry for a late reply

    Yes it must resolve the issue with a resinstall , did it work ?

  • Hello again :-)


    Like I stated in my first post I've reinstalled SSR2013 once. That didn't help. Sadly :-(



  • Thnx for your reply.


    Funny thing is that since I opened this request, there hasn't been any error on the product.


    But I'll keep this "fix" in mind, IF the problem occurs again.

  • No real solution for the problem, since it disappeared on its own.

    But for future reference, I'll mark it as solved.