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0xa00084f2 on a VXA Tape Drive

Level 2
I've been receiving 0xa00084f2 errors on a backup job to a VXA tape drive. I never was able to find a direct hit on this until tonight, when I happened upon

However, this KB article says 0xa00084f2 can only happen on a Compress NTFS drive. Could I actually be receiving this because I've run out of space on my tapes?

I'm getting about 105GB on my 80/160 tapes, but it's alot of CAD data, which I'm used to not seeing more than about 1.33 native capacity. However other installs prompt for a new tape.

Level 6

Check if there are any error messages with the id 5,7,9 or 11 in the Windows event logs. Also ensure that the Removable storage service is disabled.

Refer to the following tn:

Revert if the issue persists.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 2
I disabled and stopped the removable storage service. I don't have any of the listed errors in my event log.

I trimmed down the size of the backup job to ensure it would fit on a single tape and it ran successfully to completion. I added selections back in and as soon as it wanted to roll to a second tape, I received the 0xa00084f2 error again, the job fails and the remaining data isn't backed up.

So, disabling the removable storage service didn't help.

Level 6

Try running a backup to a Backup to Disk folder.

Verify the results.


Level 2
Please clarify - you're just looking for a test backup to a BackuptoDisk folder, or you want me to redirect then entire backup to a BackuptoDisk folder. I *cannot* do the latter as I don't have sufficient free space on that server.

If you're just looking to do a test backup and verify, I can do so.

Level 6
Hi ,

--- Just do a test backup ..

--- also which compression type you have selected in backup job properties window ?

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you