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11d 7170 - Missing Mondays

Level 3
We have an installation of Backup Exec 11d 7170 which seems to run perfectly, except for one thing.  Since once changing selections for excluding days, (Bank Holiday Monday's in this case) the backup no longer backs up Mondays.
The hotfixes installed are: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (so we know it is not an issue that hotfix 8 was supposed to fix).  We have taken out the exlution dates, we have deleted the job completely and recreated it from a daily template and have done everything bar uninstalling and reinstalling.  However, it simply skips Mondays even though they are clearly schedualled just as any other day of the week.
If you look in the Calander, say on a Friday, and you look at Monday, the schedual is there.  However, once Friday's backup has completed, it sets itself to backup Tuesday night.  There are no errors or cancellations, it simply does not do it (behaviour consistent with the idea that all Monday's have been removed from schedual).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Kind regards,

Level 3
Hey Karl,

I'm also seeing this problem (as well as another user who posted this thread).  I do think think the issue was solved in HF8 but reintroduced after.  Now I see I'm not alone, I'm going to open a support case with Symantec and see if I can get this resolved.


Level 3
I think that would be useful, thanks.  It has been driving us up the wall as there seems no reason for it to skip Mondays according to the settings.

Level 3
Any luck with this issue yet?  I phoned Symantec support about Backup Exec, but seeing as we are a reseller, and do not have a support contract with them, they refused to speak to me about it.
We are having another problem with Backup Exec 10d ( which they also won't help with, and I am not getting any reply from the forum either... is anyone out there...?