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ADBO - Advanced Disk based Option

Not applicable
My backup states the following in logs lately which is leading to corruption of media.

ADBO: The Advanced Disk-based Backup Option was selected for this job. Data is being backed up using offhost backup.
Warning: Both offhost backup and the AOFO have been selected for this job. Attempting offhost backup.
ADBO: Offhost backup initialization failure on: "C:".
Snapshot provider error (0xE000847E): This edition of the product is not licensed for the requested operation.

Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

ADBO: Offhost backup failed. Attempting to back up volumes directly from the remote computer.

I am backin up one server. SBS 2003. In the job setup the ABDO option is grayed out. I cannot disable it, nor do I know how it was enabled.

I have the AOFO optoin installed and enabled too.


Level 6

To Resolve this issue modify the registry value of "Use offhost backup" to 0.
a. Open the Windows Registry editor.
b. Follow the path for VERITAS registry key
Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\VERITAS\Backup Exec\Engine\Misc\Use Offhost Backup key to '0' from '1'.
c. After modifying the value of the registry key, restart all Backup Exec services.

Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry and workstation be made prior to making any registry changes.

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