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Admin Console Freezes

Level 2
Good Morning,

Backup Exec 9.1 on W2K server admin console freezes after opening. Nothing in the console works at all. Console window itself can't even be moved around the system's desktop. Right click on start bar item shows only close option. Selecting close causes "Program not responding window to be displayed". Lower right corner indicates "not connected", lower left corner sometimes indicates "donaloading images from". Problem started when attempting to cancel a backup job in progress, and now persists after reboots. Backup Exec Server service hangs when attempting to stop from services control panel.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Also... anybody know where I can download install packages for 9.1? Our media is missing.


Level 2
Downloaded 9.1.1 install from symantec this morning and executed a repair install. First attempt was unsuccessful and had to disable BE services, restart server and enable but not restart the services before install would progress. Once repair install completed server was rebooted with no change in behavior. Still busted.

Level 6

We assume you did the repair Installation from the add remove Programs applet.

When the lower right corner says not connected, that means the services are hung or not started.
You mentioned:
Backup Exec Server service hangs when attempting to stop from services control panel.

- Do you get any errors which point to any of this in the system event log?
- Any pop up errors while trying to stop/ start the services manually?

Start the SGMON.exe under the NT folder of Backupexec. activate the debuging utility with the check mark in 'Capture to file' and then start the service.
Do you see any errors there?
