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B2D not overwriting media, just filling up disk?

Level 3
For some odd reason, my backup-to-disk job is not overwriting my media, even though my media set allows overwriting after 23 hours.  The media is showing "overwritable".  Also, I have set my backup-to-disk folder's disk space reserve to be 5 GB.  My job has well exceeded this past 9 GB, and keeps creating new media.  I also have my maximum size for backup-to-disk files set to 1 GB (that part appears to be working OK, as each media is no larger than 1 GB).
My understanding is that once the maximum size for backup-to-disk files is reached, and overwritable media is present in the backup set (which it is), the media would be overwritten.
What am I missing here?  How do I fix this, as I can't have this job continue to chew up my disk space?

Level 4
You are misunderstanding what Symantec means by "disk space reserve."  It means that BE will continue to create new B2D files until there is only 5 GB (in your case) of free space left.  Only then will it begin overwriting files.  Symantec expects you to dedicate a partition to B2D.

This is backwards from the way most of us would like it to operate, and that's why this problem keeps being repeated ad naseum in these forums. Smiley Sad

Now if you are talking about Exchange B2D jobs, then that's enitrely different.  Exchange IMG folders follow their own set of rules that are created magically out of thin air, with no options to adjust them at all.

Message Edited by Scott Straub on 10-24-2007 07:13 AM

Level 3
Well, that certainly would explain it.  It would be nice if they put that in the help file, because I certainly didn't read anything like that.
Unfortunately I don't have a partition available on my media server, and it appears you can't put the backup-to-disk folder on any other network share, etc. unless it's a media server, correct?

Level 6
You can place a B2D folder on any network share that you wish.  Just make sure that the BackupExec service account has rights to the share, and that you define it using \\ServerName\ShareName, rather than via mapped drive.  (when the job(s) run there is no environment, and thus no mapped drives)

Level 4
I have the same situation....just started happening.......I also have a 5GBreserve but when the space gets to that level the jobs just stayed queued and wait for me to cancel them after freeing disk space up....doesn't seem to overwrite anything in the scratch media.

I have 1 week overwrite protection, made sure that the LOAD of files from August and May have been associated with the Scratch Media. I don't see how to change the overwirte protection for the Scratch Media item so I am assuming it uses the overwrite protection from the original B2D folder. This is an inherited environment - of course! - but it was all running happily for the past 5 months.

Anyway, I need ot figure out what I did....I am sure it was me..........any ideas?

Level 4
I'm also, I need to backup my Exchange server to network folder, in the media set, I config to keep 7 days and allow overwitre, but i continue backup for 2 months, and used up all my network drive "0kb".....
So, what is the correct setting ?

Level 4
Any one know ?

Level 3
I realize it's been stated earlier that you can put a B2D folder on a network share, but here's what I'm getting when I do that:
V-79-57344-4608 - The backup-to-disk folder that was specified for this job must be on a local NTFS volume. Create a new backup-to-disk folder on a local NTFS volume or modify the current folder, and then submit the job again.
Anyone care to explain?  I'm confused here.  Permissions are OK, check it already.

Level 3
Well, according to this article:
You can't utilize a network share for the Granular Restore Technology Option of the Active Directory agent.  I kind of like the option to do a selective restore of Active Directory, rather than restoring the whole thing.
So, not only do you need a separate partition, but you are limited to the media server as well.  Geez.  I guess every time you by a major app these days you need to buy a separate server along with it - cause chances are it will require some flavor of MSDE, and older version of JAVA, and a separate partition.  And of course, everyone will have to have full permissions to it.  OK, done with my little rant.  I'll live with the local setup.