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BE 10d - Backup to a Compressed drive

Level 3
I am just looking for some advice. We are about to move from backup to tape > backup to disk. For disk I am using HP Storage server with Windows 2003 Storage Server. I formated the large drive as a compressed drive. The backup times were greatly improved by using the compressed drive as opposed to a normal formatted drive. My question is this:
Is it ok to backup to and restore from a windows compressed drive, i.e. the compressed drive is my backup-to-disk media. Has anyone experienced problems backing up to or restoring from a compressed drive.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Level 4
Hi Sean,

You should be fine backing up and restoring files from a compressed drive. The only real issue is when you backup to a tape device with hardware compression where it tries compressing already compressed data and often causes it to expand.

Other than this, I believe theres nothing more than the usual to worry about to be honest. If you do experience any problems, they will most likely be cureable so I wouldn't worry.

Level 6
Hello Sean,

Could you please Update us on the issue?

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered
and would be moved to answered questions pool.


Level 3
Thanks aurora.

I will be setting this up in a production environment at the weekend so fingers crossed.