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BE 11D 7170 Changes made to a recurring job skips to next date.

Level 3
Hi All,
After upgrading BE 10d to 11d build 7170 with all hotfixes, looks like got a bug on recurring backup jobs. Below is the issue that iam having....
Changes made to a recurring job causes to skip to the next date. Ex: if a job scheduled to run on all Mondays lets say 4th June at 6pm. if i make any changes to this job like changing backup selection on the same day before 6pm, after making changes to the job i click submit the job moves back to next Monday 11th June.
I was wondering if anyone else got this problem? Please share...

Level 5
Employee Accredited Certified
This is a known issue and here is the technote:
The workaround is:

Change the job schedule type from "run according to schedule" to  "run on" in the job properties 'Schedule' pane and set it to some time in the future so that it doesn't start running right away.
Save the job by clicking  Submit'.  
Edit the job once again and change it back to a run according to schedule and recreate the desired scheduling. Click 'Submit to save the job.
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Level 3
Hello All,
As i recall Symantec released a hotfix for this problem. 
Even after i applied the above hotfix this problem didnt get fixed. I had rebooted the server after applying the above hotfix and still no luck. Liveupdate is up to date. Can any one from Symantec provide a solution for this!

Level 3
Hi Mohamed,
The jobs which are affected with the skipping problem will not revert back automatically even after the application of the hotfix. Go to the Job monitor and right click on the job and select copy, create the copy on same media server. After this the new job will be created with same name and properties just (2) will be added to that. You can get rid of the older job later on, the new job will be on schedule and any changes made to that will not land you again in same problem.