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BEREMOTE agent for Solaris 10 Leaks like a sieve

Level 3

I am evaluating BE 11d on Windows 2000. I have installed the Agent for Solaris 10. After running a backup (successfully) on Solaris box the agent has allocated 900 MB. Looks like it leaks memory badly.

Updates? Suggestions?


Jan 9, 2007 -

Wow, I am surprised by this. A week and no response from Veritas/Symmantec.

I have been assigned to Evaluate this product for Mulitple-License purchase for Linux and Solaris server backup. My 60 day evaluation is not going well - the product seems flawed and after 3 weeks of trying email support, telephone support and this forum I have failed to get any anwers. As a result, I cannot recommend BackupExec for purchase. Has Veritas support always been this bad or is the problem Symantec?

JoeMessage was edited by:
Joseph Yandrofski

Level 6
Hi Joseph,

We have a known issue with relation to using 256-bit encryption. If this is the case, you can download the hotfix for this at the following location:

If not, would you be able to provide some data, screenshots, logs, etc... showing this leak? Are you saying that it uses a lot of memory or that it's actually leaking memory? If it's leaking, I'd like to see how you're determining that so we can go back an retest on our end.


Level 3

Thanks for replying. I do have an open case on this but I can send some screenshots to you if you like. We are not using encryption on this job. By job's end >10GBs are allocated and BEREMOTE's not giving it back. Only a restart of BEREMOTE releases the resources.


Level 6
Hi Joseph,

Since you have a case open with Support, I'll let you pursue it from that end. I've never seen a leak like that, so it seems like a bug, but it should get escalated through the normal course of action.

Thanks, and definitely please reply back with whatever you find from the Support case you have open.

Backup Exec for Windows Servers Free E-mail Support

Level 3
Thanks. Will do.
