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Backup Exec 9.1 SP4 wants SP2

Not applicable
After trying many times on MS Windows 2003 server to apply SP4 - I continually receive errors that states:

The following patches need to be installed before this patch can successfully continue.

I do have a copy of SP2 - be4691RSP2_275247.exe and have reapplied it to the server, reboot and again the same error message as above! I did apply service pack 3 within days of release - any help and or directions???
Thanks, Kenny...

Not applicable
I'm experiencing the exact same problem. 2003 server, Backup Exec 9.1. SP4 keeps complaining about SP2 not being installed. Tried to re-apply SP2 and reboot several times, no luck.

Any clues?

Level 2
I have the same exact problem, this article, Document ID: 279747, tells me to contact Symnantec about it with the article number but there is no way to get to them since they keep redirecting me to this forum... Nice support...

Level 3

It's more widespread than one or two people. Call their tech support and they tell you to come here. Come here they tell you to call tech support.

I wish I had third party people who work for .50 a day supporting a thousand dollar + product. I could be Bill Gates' neighbor.

Level 4
Same problem for me, SP4 is requesting SP2 installation even if SP3 was successfully installed.

I tryed to modify registry keys as shown in the other thread for SP3 requesting SP1 without success.

Not applicable
I have the same error message, but I have SP1 and SP3 installed. I can't find SP2 to install it. If SP4 contains all the fixes from

Level 3
Will a support representative please respond to this post as after having a failed sp4 upgrade, my system now does one nightly backup, then the service fails the next night until a reboot of the server is completed.

This is getting out of hand. I would re-install the system, but all of the files required to update it have been since removed.

Level 6
Hi Kenneth,

Perform following step in oprder to resolve the issue :

Run the repair installation on media server and try installing Service Pack 4 once again.

Repairing Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x for Windows Servers

Hope this will help you.

Thank you

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Not applicable
I did the repair and I STILL cannot install SP4.

I get the message: Following patches need to be installed BE4691Rsp2.exe

Refer to article 279747

Level 4
It doesn't WORK !!!!

Level 3
See my post at the link below

Here's how you can get SP3 or SP4 to install

Level 4
I get the same error when trying to install RHF51 or RSP4:

The following patches need to be installed before this patch can successfully continue. be4691Rsp2.exe

Files I've downloaded, and am attempting to patch with:


Level 6
Did you bother to read Simon's post?

FWIW, some one reported here on the Forums, that a Veritas Engineer told him that an SP4a was being developed/tested that would install regardless of what service was or was not installed

May be worth waiting a week or so to see what comes out.

Level 4
Hey Ken,

Got it... thanks. I clicked the 'post' button too soon. Sorry, and thanks for putting me in my place... Sorry Forum.

Based on the proliferation of this sort of question in the 9.1 Moderated Support Forum, however, I was kinda hoping to see a VERITAS moderator make some statement to help thwart the useless postings (like my own) which simply amount to a bunch of *me too* chimes.

Note: To make the VERITAS Update icon disappear from the system tray, I had to import all the Installer values back into the Registry AND modify the two REG_MULTI_SZ settings to include the SP4 GUID

Level 4
Would somebody from VERITAS, or Symantec, or whatever the dang "Corporation" name is these days PLEASE make a statement about what the !@#$%^&*() is wrong with SP4 and/or MS Installer? There are ~20 independant threads in this Forum that are dedicated to this stupid issue... and probably countless other lost souls that are struggling to figure out why SP4 won't install.

There's a relatively simple workaround for folks that are comfortable with playing in the Registry, however, I know a lot of places where their change-control policies won't allow "hearsay" style solutions in production environments. If SP4a is really in the works, it would sure be nice to let people know... especially since it appears that all the previous SPs have been yanked from the FTP site AND this particular SP contains some significant security patches.

Does nobody freakin care that support for BE has vaporized now that Symantec is part of the equation?

Level 3
Hi cp,

I don't think it is fair to say flatly that SP4 does not install. I had no trouble installing it on a Dell PE2600 stand-alone, on which SP2 had previously been installed (I skipped SP3). There does seem to be a problem with SP4, but under what specific circumstances, I just can't say.

I must also take exception with your 'production environment' line of reasoning. We always apply new service packs in a test environment, and only roll them out to production if they test OK.

I have compared Ken's forum contributions to those of the moderators, and IMHO, Ken's advice is first-rate.

- Jay

Level 4
Sorry, I'm just so fed up with Symantec... they keep buying up companies on whose software I have come to rely on... only to see the product support tank. I'm always evaluating other DR products, and I have to say the actual product is only a small portion of the reason to buy it... service/support is a huge factor, and I just don't think Symantec can apply their AV support mechanism to DR products like BE.

I agree with your assessment of Ken's contributions... my contention is that the community is working awfully hard while the vendor conspicuously sits idle. Symantec's only suggestion to this thread has been to "try installing Service Pack 4 once again"...

If there are at least 20 documented cases of SP4 not installing because of some MS Installer problem, why doesn't the vendor mention something... instead, they are sending the community on *wild-goose-chases* while they are allegedly preping a SP4a for release.

I personally don't care if it's ultimately a forum-brewed solution that works, but somethimes my boss is skeptical... maybe I've got a particularly unique situation here, but somehow I expect that other production environments would like the vendor to at least acknowledge issues raised in their forums.

Alright, I'm done ranting... Thanks to all who have helped me get SP4 installed... Great work Simon!

Level 4
There is a new sp4 release from Symantec be4691RSP4a_280008.exe instead the previous be4691RSP4_279308.exe but now is requesting SP1 and not SP2 as previous version. Nice Patch isn't it ???

Level 6

Due to the complexity of your issue, resolution will require the personal attention of a VERITAS representative. Please contact us through your local support number. You can see a list of support numbers at our support website:

Please note that you may be charged for this service.

For the latest details on pricing, please visit

Note:- if we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be assumed answered and archived.
