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Backup Exec 9.1 SP4a installation failure.

Level 3
I am trying to install SP4a for Backup Exec 9.1 on a SBS 2003. I get "There is no bkupexec instance name specified for sql server", and the installation fails. I found an article ( about that error and did what is said and that also failed. I got an error that said "the instance name specified is invalid".

Level 6

- Is Backup Exec installed on the existing SQL instance or on the MSDE instance?

- Can you see the MSSQL$BKUPEXEC Service on the Media server?


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Level 3
Yes, the MSSQL$BKUPEXEC Service is there.

Level 6

Have you installed Backup Exec in an existing SQL server instance?

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Level 3
Are you asking if there was already a SQL instance before the Backup Exec was installed? No, Backup Exec was installed maybe 2 years ago on a new server with a fresh load of SBS 2003. We have updated it with other Backup Exec service packs before.

Level 6

Please follow the technote given below to perform a test connection to the databse

How to perform a quick test connection to the Backup Exec SQL instance

Aslo through add remove programmes perform a repair install of Backup Exec and then install the service pack

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Level 3
I followed the technote and it was successful. I tried the repair, but it get the same error "There is no bkupexec instance name specified for sql server".

Level 6

I request you to paste the result of the MSDE test connection. Also, I request you to refer to the below mentioned technote to perform the repair installation once again and check the results:

Repairing Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x for Windows Servers


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Level 3
I get a Microsoft Data Link windows that says "Test Connection Successed".

That is the article that I followed to do the repair the first time.

Level 6

Do you see any MSI related errors in the event viewer?

Also check out for the error in the bkupinst Log which is created in the WINNT or WINDOWS directory.

Also try running the installation of the service Pack with the help of the following document:

Hope it helps!

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Level 3
These are the last few lines in the log after I try running the service pack.

05-24-2006,09:18:14 : Copying symbol files.
05-24-2006,09:18:14 : Unable to copy symbol files.
05-24-2006,09:18:17 : Executing InstallBEServices_MSI.
05-24-2006,09:18:17 : Installing BE services.
05-24-2006,09:18:17 : Backup Exec with a site license serial number will not install the Backup Exec Naming Service
05-24-2006,09:18:17 : Executing InstallBEDB_MSI.
05-24-2006,09:18:17 : Installing BE database.
05-24-2006,09:18:17 : Executing BE_AttachDB.
05-24-2006,09:18:17 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
05-24-2006,09:28:39 : Executing StopBEServices_MSI.
05-24-2006,09:28:39 : Rolling back stop of BE services.

Event ID 11729 Source MsiInstaller
Veritas Backup Exec for Windows Servers - Configuration Failed

I tried the article and it doesn't do anything. I checked the log over a hour later and there was nothing in it.

Level 6

This issue can occur if there is a problem of MSI installer.

Install the latest MSI installer from microsoft site.

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Level 3
Tried installing the latest MSI Installer. It fails telling me that the service pack of the operating system is newer than the version of the installer and that I do not need the update.

Level 6

Please try a silent installation of the service pack. Please refer to the following document:

Please keep us updated on the issue.

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Level 3
That was already suggested and I already tried it.

Level 6

This issue could also arise if there is an insufficient privileges for DCOM components. Please refer to the solution given in the following TechNote that also applies to your issue.

If the issue still persists, then repair the Backup Exec database using following guidelines :

1. Run Beutility from \Program files\Veritas\Backup Exec\NT

2. Add the Backup Exec server to All Media Servers ( File >>New >>New Media Server )

3. Right click on the Backup Exec server listed in All Media Servers and select Repair Database.

4. Rename the bkupinst.log file from Winnt folder. Now, try to apply SP 4a after repairing the database and observe the result.

Also, try following guidelines :
-- Copy the SP4a to the local drive

-- Exit from Backup Exec. If possible stop the Terminal Service.

-- Start SP4a installation.

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and would be moved to answered questions pool.


Level 3
I tried that article. System account was there with Local Access and Remote Access as the only permissions. System was set to allow for both. There was no Access Permission. I then tried to install the SP with the same error. I then repaired the database and tried the SP again with the same error. The 3rd thing I have already tried. I pasted the log.

06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CheckPatchDependencies_MSI.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CheckPatchDependencies.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing GetProductGuid.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing GetInstalledPatches.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing GetDependentPatches.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CheckForDependencies.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : All dependencies have been met for this patch.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Checking to see if the user has administrator privileges.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Checking to see if the Backup Exec UI is running.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing SetCustomActionData_MSI.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing DLO_PrepPatch to verify DLO database for patching.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : There is no BE_DLO.mdf file to check DB version against. Patch process will be able to install updated file IF needed.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing ECM_PrepECM.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CreateECMRegistryKeys.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing SetWBTVersion_MSI
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing AddECMRemoveFiles.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CA PrepBEMain with target BEMain_PrepBEMain.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CopySAPR3MediaToAgentsDir
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing SetRegKeys.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing MakeBEDBBakFile.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CA PrepRAMain with target RAMain_PrepRAMain.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CopyRAWS32Media
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CopyRAWS64Media
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing SetRAMainRegKeys.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CA PrepIDR with target IDR_PrepIDR.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing IDR_SetRegKeys.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing IDR_StreamMyCDSetup.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing CA PrepAutoLdr with target AutoLdr_PrepAutoLdr.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing NetCHGR_AddToServiceGroup.
06-12-2006,14:07:11 : Executing VSD_InstallVSDTable.
06-12-2006,14:07:13 : Executing CHGR_CopySCSIDriver.
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing CHGR_CopyOEMSetup.
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing CHGR_SaveInstallInfo.
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing CA PrepMSExch with target MSExch_PrepMSExch.
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing MSExch_SetRegKeys.
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing IsSBS()
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Small Business Server Edition (Premium)
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing ConfigureSBSServer()
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing GetSBSServerVersion()
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing IsIE5()
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing SBS_UpdateBackupKey()
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Executing SetSBSLinkOnReg()
06-12-2006,14:07:14 : Configure SBS Server successfully.
06-12-2006,14:07:16 : Executing SetMSMInstallDir
06-12-2006,14:07:16 : Executing SetBewsaTargetProperty.
06-12-2006,14:07:16 : BEWSATARGET.52386FC2_5A96_4505_896E_E5A5D41757DC
06-12-2006,14:07:41 : Executing StopBEServices_MSI.
06-12-2006,14:07:41 : Stopping BE services.
06-12-2006,14:08:35 : Copying symbol files.
06-12-2006,14:08:35 : Unable to copy symbol files.
06-12-2006,14:08:45 : Executing InstallBEServices_MSI.
06-12-2006,14:08:45 : Installing BE services.
06-12-2006,14:08:45 : Backup Exec with a site license serial number will not install the Backup Exec Naming Service
06-12-2006,14:08:45 : Executing InstallBEDB_MSI.
06-12-2006,14:08:45 : Installing BE database.
06-12-2006,14:08:45 : Executing BE_AttachDB.
06-12-2006,14:08:45 : Executing Attach_BEDB.
06-12-2006,14:08:55 : Executing StopBEServices_MSI.
06-12-2006,14:08:55 : Rolling back stop of BE services.

Level 6

Kindly refer the following Document:

Installation of VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 9.0 for Windows Servers fails, and the bkupinst.log contains a failure at Executing InstallBEServices_MSI.

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and would be moved to answered questions pool.


Level 3
That was already suggested and tried - see my last post.

Level 6
Hi Todd,

Rename the installation log file and then try reinstalling the serivce pack.


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