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Backup Failed Error

Level 3
anyone know, how i can bypass getting this error message, i have disabled the the fail on corrupt e-mail in the registry, anything else i can do?

Backup- \\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes WARNING: "\\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Amanda Top of Information StoreDeleted ItemsŒ〰〰〰〰扥㘸昴㐸㈷愳㈲〴ぢ〶昰㉡㙤㔴㈴㤸㜰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㌰㜱㉢〰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㌰ㄲ挱〰〰FW: Fw: Board revokes Schwartz's license" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "\\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Amanda Top of Information StoreDeleted ItemsŒ〰〰〰〰扥㘸昴㐸㈷愳㈲〴ぢ〶昰㉡㙤㔴㈴㤸㜰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㌰㜱㉢〰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㌰〲敤〰〰FW: ]" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "\\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Danny G Guillory Jr FinderLarge MailŒ〰〰〰〰昰㌱㜹㡥慣㑦㔹昴㡢㜵ㅣ㌶㥥扤㙢搹㜰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰〰㔳㡢〰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㐰愳收〰〰FW: FW: Fw: A "Peace" of Grass" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "\\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Danny G Guillory Jr Top of Information StoreInboxŒ〰〰〰〰昰㌱㜹㡥慣㑦㔹昴㡢㜵ㅣ㌶㥥扤㙢搹㜰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰〰㔳㡢〰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㐰愳收〰〰FW: FW: Fw: A "Peace" of Grass" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "\\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Megan Top of Information StoreDeleted ItemsŒ〰〰〰〰愰㈷戳挸㘲捣ㅦ昴〸挳㝥㡦扤〳捣搴㜰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰〰㉡㔸〰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰〰㥡㐶〰〰FW: Fw: Board revokes Schwartz's license" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "\\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Rhonda Top of Information StoreInboxŒ〰〰〰〰㤶慣㕣挵㐷昸戸㤴㥡㈸戹搸ㄹつ㌸敦㜰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㌰戰㈰〰〰ㄲ昴挷攱㌸㡦㉤搴愸㈹㤳戱㈳㘳㔲㘲〰〰〰㔰攴㉢〰〰FW: Fw: Board revokes Schwartz's license" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
Verify- \\QBASED2K6\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes WARNING: "FW: Fw: Board revokes Schwartz's license" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "FW: ]" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "FW: FW: Fw: A "Peace" of Grass" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "FW: FW: Fw: A "Peace" of Grass" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "FW: Fw: Board revokes Schwartz's license" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.
WARNING: "FW: Fw: Board revokes Schwartz's license" is a corrupt file.
This file cannot verify.

Level 6

Do these files exist in the inbox? Try recreating the backup job and check the results.What is the version of Exchange? Also stop any Anti virus that might be running during the mailbox backup.

Revert with details if the issue persists.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 3
yes these files exist in the users indbox, and turning off the antivirus in not an option due to the fact that my backup runs at 2am, and i am not going to be waking up at 2am to turn off av before a backup

Level 6

Please refer to:

When backing up Microsoft Exchange 5.5/2000 individual mailboxes, the message " WARNING: "?Top of Information Store?? " is a corrupt file. This file cannot verify." is reported in the backup log and the job fails.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.