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Backup between two sites with mixed version of BE.

Not applicable
We have a client with two sites.  The West coast site has 11d (updated last friday from 9.1) on the media server, and the east coast site has 9.1 on the media server.  We used to backup the eastern site from the first as a DR strategy.  Now that 11d is on the west site, it can no longer backup the eastern site. Is there a way to set up a selection so that the west media server ignores the agent on the eastern site?  So far I'm receiving the imcompatible versions error when I try to select anything on the eastern site.


Message Edited by ECI on 11-06-2007 07:26 AM

Level 6
Only thing you can do is edit the selection list (in text mode, not GUI) and remove the entries that no longer work

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 11-06-2007 10:23 AM