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Best way to get old tapes Labeled...

Level 3
I have 3 years of full backup tapes that need to be shipped offsite for compliance reasons. My predecessor did not use barcoded labels, he labeled each tape with its media set name via a p-touch labeler. Several location moves later, they are in helter skelter boxes.

The offsite provider I have choosen will not accept them without barcode labels - but I am afraid of just barcoding the media, and changing its name in the catalog. Won't that relabel each tape when I put it in, effectively destroying the data on it?

We have BE9.1, and, a Sony 162 tape library. I am not afraid of the time it will take to do this - I understand it will be a lot of busy work.

Level 6
Hello David,

Yes you are correct.
Go through the following Article:
How to label media or rename media labels

Hope that helps you. Please get back to us in case you need any further Information.


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 3
Ok, so I go through the process of placing barcode labels on the tapes, and renaming all the tapes (but not labeling them).

I am planning an upgrade to Backup Exec 10. I use a library with barcode reader. When I put in one of these tapes, does the new server, either immediately label the tape with the barcode, or will I get a notification that the label does not match the barcode?

Level 6

It seems you are using a library with a bar code reader. In that case, the bar code will do the labeling. You will however need to configure the bar code rules.

Refer to the following techontes for more information on this:

Title: How to enable a bar code label rule and configure it for the tape device

Also additionally check the following technote :

Title: Proper use of the Backup Exec for Windows Servers autoloader option with a bar code reader

Hope the above information helps. In case you need further help on this, do revert to the forums.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
