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Cannot restore from B2D2T

Level 2
Partner Certified

Firstly hello to all on the forums - please be gentle as this is my first post 8-) 


I am having an issue restoring data from a disk-to-disk-to-tape backup that we perform every weeknight.


We have created 5 'day' folders that have a B2D every night (one set per server).  These are then backed up onto an LTO-3 drive and kept off-site.  Each of the folders is overwritten with a new bkf file relating to each day.


We have come to restore some information from 02/06/08 this year and have hit a bit of an issue.  We have restored the entire contents of the B2D folder into the relevant days directory (in this case a Friday), selecting to overwrite.  When you inventory the folder the datestamp on the bkf files inside this folder is different to the ones that are shown in explorer if you browse for the files.  This means that I can't restore the information that I require.  Tried inventory, catalog but still no joy.


What I have done is erased the folder, restored all files (including cfg and bkf), re-inventoried and same result.  If you try to catalogue the media it fails saying inventory the items first.  I have also tried restoring/redirecting the files to another new B2D folder but this hasn't worked either even though the bkf files are there in explorer.


I am sure this is setup correctly as if we restore from one of the current bkf files on disk it restores absolutely fine.... its just getting it to restore after it has been restored from tape first!


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Level 2
Partner Certified

Update to the previous post - here is the error I get when trying to catalogue :


Job ended: 02 July 2008 at 12:21:46
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0000900 - The requested media is not listed in the media index and could not be mounted. To add the media's catalog information to the disk-based catalogs, run an inventory operation on the media and resubmit the Catalog operation.
Final error category: Backup Media Errors

Level 6


Are you inventorying the folder or each individual BKF File?


For future reference, change the regular COPY type backup to a DUPLICATE and you can restore directly from the tape (You can use Policies to do this as soon as the B2D is finished.  See the Admin Guide)



Level 2
Partner Certified

We have inventoried both of them and each of them give us the same issue.  Its getting a bit worrying now as I'm not confident about getting the historical data back from the tape....


Just to check that I am doing the right thing - we backup everything to disk first, then run a duplicate job in BE11D to copy the B2D folders onto tape.   That is the correct way isn't it? <enter crisis of confidence here>