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Catalog taking forever?

Level 4
I'm cataloging a media set created in 10D on a 10.0 server and it's moving at about 680Mb/min.  The backup was taken from 10D in a different domain than I'm trying to restore to.  Normally, my catalogs take about two minutes or less to complete.  This one looks like it's going to take several hours.
I guess I'm just wondering if cataloging a backup set that was created in 10D using a 10.0 server is bad?  Thanks in advance.

Level 6
Have you selected "Use Media Based Catalogs"?   In theory this will copy the tape based catalog (if one exists) rather having BackupExec read all the data on the tape to build a new disk catalog.
There was a quite heated discussion (in the v10 forum IIRC) about how selecting this option made no difference at all, a while ago.

Level 6
Does the tape you are catalogging contain backups of many resources, or many backup jobs?
I can catalog a tape containing a single resource and a single backup in about a minute. If I catalog a tape which has a single backup of about 30 resources it takes about an hour.

Level 4
Hywel, I'm actually using all D2D.  Normally my catalogs take about a minute but in all honestly, I don't think I've ever catalogued a disk on 10.0 that was created in 10D.  I let it run all night and it was done by morning (actually around 9:00PM last night).
Everything is working, it just took way longer than I would have thought.  Thanks for the input.