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Database Maintenance causes error on SQL backup

Level 3


We have three identical (except for names) domains set up, using BE 2010 R3. The backup setup is a standard GFS with full monthly, full weekly and differential daily. The full backups runs without any problems.

Now two of the nodes generate errors on the daily SQL-backup. "SQL Agent was not used to create the last full, differential or log backup of this database." Error code is E0000363. I've come so far as to tracing it to a backup that runs every day at 04:00 AM, five hours after our own backups run. It turns out that it is BE's own database maintenance that some how messes things up for two of our domains, but one is still working.

Now one thing that is a bit strange is that if one checks the backupset table in the databse msdb, the working node doesn't list any backup jobs that runs at 04:00 AM, but the two domains that don't work has those jobs listed.

One co-worker suggested that turning off the database maintenance would work but I'm dubious to that, seeing as one domain is in working condition. Database maintenance is enabled on all three domains.


   VIP    Certified

You should not turn off the BEDB maintenance because there are quite a few things that are needed.  In any case, the BEDB maintenance should not cause any problem like what you are describing because it is using a separate SQL Express instance. 

If you are backing up the BPUPEXEC instance, then you don't need to do this as BE does its own backup and maintenance.

Level 3

Should I then simply exclude the BEDB-databse (which is causing the error) from the backup selection list?

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...besides the normal BEDB maintenance done @ 4AM, BE creates a backup of the BEDB called bedb.bak (in the Data folder). If you deselect the BEDB, make sure you have selected the Data folder (or at least bedb.bak) for backing up...


   VIP    Certified

Yes. You do not need to backup the BKUPEXEC instance using the SQL agent.  As previously advised, just backup the Data directory under the BE installation directory.  This will contain both the BEDB and its backup.