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Duplicate to Tape job (apparently) hangs

Level 2
First question - How do I change my "screen name" (sorry, thought I was entering in a new thread subject)
The real issue...
I'm running 11.0 rev 7170
For the past months we have been doing our full backups directly to tape with (mostly) no issues...
Recently, we decided to put our full backups to a "Backup to Disk" folder, then to duplicate the backup set to tape on a regular basis.
All my experiments with "duplicating" the full backup set to "tape" have apparently hung (stayed in "running" status for more than 12 hours).
The job type is "Duplicate"
It is not set to "run after another job"
The source media set is three Backup to Disk sets (all those produced by a Full Backup, last friday (which ended with status "successful")
The Destination Media is a single device/tape. Freshly tape, freshly labled.
If I look at the "Job Activity" it shows no source, no destination, no current directory or file. The statistics are all 0.
The full backup itself only takes 2-3 hours...

Message Edited by Duplicate to Tape job Hangs on 11-07-2007 11:06 AM

Level 6

Duplicate to Tape job Hangs wrote:
First question - How do I change my "screen name" (sorry, thought I was entering in a new thread subject)

I can help with that part.   Send me a private message with the name you would like and I will change it for you.  At this time there is no end-user interface to change your own name.
You might want to use user search first to make sure the name you want is available.